
共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2091 - 2100 筆
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (2009-05-19 出版)
系列書: The Marsdens #2.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Their marriage lasted only slightly longer than the honeymoon-to no one's surprise,not even Bryony Asquith's. A man as handsome and sought after as Leo Marsden couldn't possibly want to spend his life with a woman who rebelled against society by becoming a doctor. Why, then, three years later and ha...
平均:4.3 (6 人灑葉)
譯者: 許育菁
出版社: 馥林 City Chic #46(2010-09-30 出版)
系列書: 新娘四部曲 #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 6
共同經營「誓約婚顧公司」的四個姊妹淘 自己何時才能踏上紅毯另一端? 小麥是幹練的駐店攝影師,卡特是文質彬彬的高中老師,兩人因為一場婚禮而相識、擦出火花。 儘管小麥在婚紗業工作,卻有承諾恐懼症,完全不相信「王子公主從此過著幸福快樂日子」那套──畢竟,她父母就是婚姻不長久的案例。 小麥從沒想過自己會愛上任何人,更不會是穿著毛呢外套、戴眼鏡、熱愛莎士比亞文學的「乖乖牌」英文教師。 然而他們開始交往後,戀情卻進展快速地讓她反應不過來,加上控制慾強的自私母親常讓她分心,卡特的美艷前女友又出來攪局…… 如果她希望這段感情持久而不是另一場速食戀愛,她就得趕緊想辦法控制自我內心的焦慮。 她會穿...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2010-02-09 出版)
系列書: 女獵夜者番外篇 #1.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
The night is not safe for mortals. Denise MacGregor knows all too well what lurks in the shadows - her best friend is half-vampire Cat Crawfield - and she has already lost more than the average human could bear. But her family's past is wrapped in secrets and shrouded in darkness - and a demon shape...
譯者: 康華
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #16(1983-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She was engaged to the wrong man! When the man you are engaged to tells you that he has fallen in love with someone else, there isn't much to be done, but Katherine knew that her heart would never recover. How, then she suddenly find herself engaged to another man entirely? And how was it that Paul...
譯者: 馬鍾麟
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #15(1983-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Briony loved Christopher Clayton, but it was his brother Daniel she married -- a marriage of convenience to suit his ambition and her financial needs. Would her career as a dancer be enough to make up for the complete lack of love in her life?
譯者: 于于
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #10(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Lesley had come to Trevendone Manor in Cornwall from far-off New South Wales. She had seen advertisements in Australian papers which suggested that there was an inheritance waiting for the twin brother and sister who made the journey with her. And waiting also, she found, was the man the twins...
譯者: 游淑禎
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #9
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Fran had been assured that it would be all right for her and the group of children in her care to stay at Brocade, a lovely old mansion in the heart of the Cotswolds. They would only be there for a few weeks until they had found new quarters. But what would happen if the rightful owner of Broca...
譯者: 饒瑞翔
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #8(1982-08-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
沙貝娜為了讓父親高興答應嫁給尼古拉, 也認為往後的婚姻生活會很美滿。 不過她不很肯定這種做法是對的, 畢竟生活本身並不完全建立在物慾的滿足上。基於這點疑精鹽慮。她選擇在婚禮前雲遊四方, 暫時擺脫一切羈絆, 讓情緒穩定後再作最後的決定。 巧合的是, 她就在這段時間邂逅了裘伊, 也給自己帶來了難以忘懷的經驗。 然而她對裘伊的情有獨鐘並沒有改變既存的事實, 他還是對她諸多懷疑, 也擺明一付無所謂的態度, 更糟糕的是, 他永遠也忘不了那逝去的愛人妮可, 那個使他黯然神傷的女孩...... He believed she'd betrayed his trustTo be honest, Sabi...
譯者: 鄭黎黎
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #7
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
布瑞珍原是位自卑、不引人注意的胖女孩,卻能博得英俊高大的加雷斯欣賞,一段年輕的愛情故事,使得布瑞珍在心中一直無法忘懷,她等待著加雷斯再來尋她,四年的時間過去了,聽到的是加雷斯已訂婚的消息,布瑞珍所有的夢都碎了,心也死了。卻沒想到四年後會在她學生范琳達的姑媽家與加雷斯重逢,而加雷斯在也認不出如此楚楚動人的布瑞珍就是四年前的小邦妮,布瑞珍再見到加雷斯,心中複雜的情緒是旁人難以想像的,她似乎還珍愛的他,卻又氣他......。 Bridget was a different person in every way from the teenage girl who had loved Gareth...
譯者: 區康雅
出版社: 東峰-戀曲 (月光下羅曼史) #6(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
女主角瑪琪的好友崔西說:「長得漂亮的人,只要愛對方,就有資格擁有。」瑪琪回答說無論一個人是貌似潘安,才若蘇子,他也會有遲疑不決的時候。 上中所請來第一才子喬治‧麥當奴風流倜儻,才情萬千,但他遇見不忍見到天才自棄的新聞記者瑪琪,也只能愛在心裡。 作者珍妮‧羅絲將全書分為十九章,以瑪琪為中心,從採集新聞到與上司爭執而離去,從搭飛機離開紐約到祖國愛爾蘭的加斯特可夫小鎮,從身為大學教授的真正所愛,而且愛得瘋狂的導演。 情節發展流暢,毫無滯礙,尤其在發揮人物感情有一個「真」字尚可形容,摯情的瑪琪在工作方面負責任,肯擔當,在感情方面的重頭戲,只能說作者若多寫一份則太重,少寫一分則太輕,描寫得真是好棒!...
