共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 1641 - 1650 筆
譯者: 老嘉華
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #49(1980-04-01 出版)
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
Shimona was face to face with the notorious Duke of Ravenstone. She had imagined an older man with slanting eyes, arched eyebrows, a long thin nose and pointed ears. But as she looked across the room she saw not the devil she had anticipated, but a surprisingly young, extremely good-looking man....
譯者: 喻麗琴
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #48(1980-03-01 出版)
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
Emmeline Nevada Holtz was the richest -- and most sheltered--girl in America. She has been arranged to be married to one of England's wealthy dukes. An accident to her chaperone gives her temporarily alone in Paris, and Emmeline realized that this was her one chance to experience life in a way she n...
譯者: 霍銘儀
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #47(1980-03-01 出版)
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
Lady Mary Emmeline Athena's grandmother has arranged her marriage to the Greek Prince of Parnassus. Disillusioned by the palace gossips she ran away to Delphi, the shrine of Apollo, to pray about her future marriage. There, Athena met the handsome Orion, a man whose slim, athletic body made the fire...
譯者: 瑀琤
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #46(1980-02-01 出版)
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
In a few short hours Cerissa would have everything she thought she wanted.
A wealthy young lord was anxiously awaiting their wedding. Cerissa would become a great lady. No one would ever again mention her low birth.
Yet her heart pounded for the gallant young guardian who had seen her safe...
譯者: 胡萍
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #44(1980-02-01 出版)
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
Vulcan glanced at his painting, then at the others lying against the wall. "As soon as this one is engraved," he said, "I shall take them all to Paris. Are you coming with me?"
Astara simply stared, feeling that she could not have heard him correctly.
But he came over and suddenly, fiercel...
譯者: 喻麗琴
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #43
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
Perhaps Olinda Selwyn's mother had been right after all.
Olinda had accepted a job restoring embroidered tapestries for the Dowager Countess of Kelvedon. The Selwyns certainly needed the money. But Olinda's mother was afraid-afraid that her pretty, innocent daughter would fall victim to advance...
譯者: 水湄
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #26(1979-06-10 出版)
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
年輕英俊的上校興沖沖的趕赴訂婚儀式,不料途中生變,遇上車禍,他求救偏僻的山庄,在那裡,他遇見了一位少女,兩人一見鐘情。 是什麼偷去了這年輕上校的心?是什麼改變了兩人的命運?
譯者: 洪鯤
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #42(1979-12-01 出版)
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
活潑美麗的柏翠納從學校逃走找監護人史塔佛頓伯爵要取回自己的遺產, 誤打誤撞見面後住在伯爵家裡, 相處中她發現自己愛上了這個高傲而又不乏正意感的人, 於是她決定要想辦法讓他愛上她。
譯者: 張興華
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #41(1979-12-01 出版)
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
Benedicta gave a little cry and threw herself against the Duke.
"I am so frightened I may . . . disappoint you." He pulled her closer to him.
"Do you think I want you to know anything but what I shall teach you?" he asked. "I adore your ignorance, your purity."
He spoke with a fervor she had neve...
譯者: 水湄
出版社: 長橋-愛的故事 #40(1979-11-01 出版)
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
在離開她三年來接受教育的意大利修道院後, 尤娜‧梭羅即將與父親在巴黎的會合。 可是在她抵達巴黎後發覺父親已經去世, 無依無靠獨自在巴黎被上流社會視為龍蛇混跡的罪惡淵藪蒙馬特, 幸得父親的經銷畫商腓力‧狄比夏農的協助, 並帶她跟沃爾‧史丹頓公爵見面, 單純的她並不知道公爵的計劃, 公爵顯然也誤會了尤娜的身份...... 但在朝夕相處的日子下彼此陷入熱戀, 公爵確信尤娜就是他一直在尋找的妻子人選, 可是他尊貴的身份怎能娶一位畫家之女呢? 但他對她的愛已義無反顧了, 相愛的一對壁人能如願共度一生嗎?