共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 1541 - 1550 筆
出版社: 旭旦-金色羅曼史 #20
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
The man she loved had changed. Why?
When Laurel traveled to Japan to marry Kirk Graham, a British diplomat, she was afraid he might have forgotten her. Their summer romance seemed so far away.
As soon as she saw him again she knew she loved him more than ever. But he had changed drastically, and s...
(1 vote)
作者: Sylvia Day 希維雅‧黛
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books (2013-06-04 出版)
系列書: 謎情柯洛斯 #3.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 1
The worldwide phenomenon continues as Eva and Gideon face the demons of their
pasts, and accept the consequences of their obsessive desires...
From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that
I needed. Something I couldn't resist. I saw the dangerous and damaged soul...
譯者: 陳素貞
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #216(1984-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Megan Brookfield's world is deeply shaken when her "husband" is exposed as a spy... and she is accused of being his accomplice! Suddenly England seems a very hostile place indeed.
When handsome agent Steve Callahan is assigned to guard Megan, he proves a suspicious jailer, and Megan chafes unde...
作者: Liz Grady 麗莎‧葛雷蒂
譯者: 陳學芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #245(1984-07-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Arriving at her lighthouse retreat on sleepy Block Island, Kate Lonergan is floored to find herself facing a gloriously virile, nearly nude roommate. Matt Kincade, high-powered contractor, defies all her attempts to evict him.
Resenting Matt's potent drive, Kate battles their instant attraction...
譯者: 黃麗雪
出版社: 駿馬-有情世界 #2
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 0
「深閨弦音」譜出了萊特家的一段辛酸史。 在親情、愛情與名利的夾縫裏,誰向現實低頭了? 誰是奮戰不屈的鬥士? 她們的遭遇又如何呢? 深閨重鎖,誰是知音?
艾蒂絲‧萊特 ----- 「柏拉伊瑟」的女主人,是個一生追求名利的婦人;生有三女。
伊拉斯‧萊特 ----- 「柏拉伊瑟」的男主人,對家庭漠不關心;三個女兒中,最鍾愛老二 ----- 愛蜜拉。
卡洛琳 ----- 萊特家的大女兒,性情與母親近似。
愛蜜拉 ----- 萊特家的老二,較具叛逆性;但受其母...
譯者: 簡珊
出版社: 華仁-文藝愛情金像獎 #12
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
前飛行員培恩‧休斯三年來,對他妻子莎莉一向都很忠實。 然後,她邂逅了茱麗安,她有令人頓生淫念的美色。 她在生命與愛情上,大膽而複雜的見解,對他造成無法抗拒的挑戰。
雖然,他們初次的相逢是頗具爆發性的。 可是培恩只將它當成一間無心的錯誤事件,並不放在心上。 然而,當他和茱麗安再度重逢時,他決心要知道,她是否如他記憶中的那樣美好。
答案很快就出現了。 從那時刻起,他發現自己陷於規範與因為一名放蕩的美麗女子,激起他克制不了的慾望衝突中。
譯者: 周慧芬
出版社: 華仁-文藝愛情金像獎 #39
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
The light in his ambers eyes lit embers that hadn't died. But Reyna MacKenzie vowed she'd never again succumb to Trevor Langdon's promise of love. He'd come to Hawaii to reclaim her. But six months in the tropics had changed Reyna from a cool career woman to a tawny tigress...
譯者: 簡珊
出版社: 華仁-文藝愛情金像獎 #42
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
潔依聽到奥斯特的建議後,感到很驚訝。 「你為什麼又改變主意了?」她質詢道。「你剛剛已說得很清楚,我是個討厭鬼。」
除此外,她原以為只是一次短短旅行,但是這次的旅行卻是環遊世界。 而她對於航海是一竅不通。
這個主意簡直令人不敢相信,但是挑戰所帶來的興奮,教潔依凜然一震。 誰又料得准,在航程中又會發生什麼事呢?
譯者: 方美
出版社: 華仁-文藝愛情金像獎 #43
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Her fun holiday had become a nightmare!
All Amber Christy wanted while she was in Tunisia was peace and quite after the hard time she had had been through; but she was not destined to get it. Who did Hamed Ben Slouma think he was, spoiling her holiday by whisking her off to his house and announcing...