由 鈕釦 在 發表

艾蜜帶著破碎的身心, 逃離德州平原的故鄉, 在奧勒岡的產金山脈中覓得避風港。
在這裡, 她展開新的生活, 卻無法忘懷她和英勇的柯曼奇戰士------閃電‧安特洛普------之間的承諾。
她思念這個在她少女時代、與她共享悲歡的摯友, 但也憎惡現在變成殺人不眨眼的魔鬼的他。
如今已成為西部惡名昭昭的快槍手閃電找到了艾蜜。 他發誓, 再也不要失去這個令他魂牽夢縈的女人, 而且他發誓, 要讓她覆行他們神聖的婚約。
然而, 他能讓她相信他不會傷害她, 相信他的愛, 並且渴望他的撫觸嗎?
Forced to flee her home on the windswept Texas plains, Amy Masters sought sanctuary in the golden hills of Oregon. There she began a new life, but could never forget her pledge to Swift Antelope, the magnificent Comanche warrior who had captured her heart. Then Swift, now a notorious gunslinger whose murderous reputation was known throughout the West, found her. He vowed never again to lose the proud, sun-kissed beauty who haunted his dreams, and he swore to make her honor her sacred promise. But could he make her believe in his love and yearn for his caresses?
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