由 鈕釦 在 發表

妳的命運是清晰可見的: 龐大的財富, 龐大的愛.....與龐大的危機。
孤女希瑟有著可憐的際遇, 和不為人知的, 甚至連她自己也不太確定的身世背景。
在好友的協助下, 她半信半疑的來到諾森堡尋找傳說中失落的文件------布雷史東堡的權狀。
然而, 當她抵達那座陰森森的灰塔堡時, 她的決心動搖了。她把自己的來意告訴拜倫‧華盛頓男爵, 卻只換來他的轟然大笑。
但在他那冷漠的黑色眼眸之內, 她可以感受到困獸般的恐懼與邪惡詭異的黑色陰影。
不僅拜倫忽冷忽熱的態度使她無法掌握, 她亦時時感覺被監視、被跟蹤、被尾隨......哦!
整個華盛頓莊園可說是詭異而又危機四伏, 從她進入莊園之內, 就立刻捲入這場黑色的風暴之中。
Heather Blackstone, who was only six when her parents were murdered, has left her job as a lace maker to avoid her lecherous employer. She consults her gypsy friend, Rosa, and decides to travel to Northumberland to check out Blackstone Castle, which may rightfully belong to her. Heather accepts a job as secretary to Sir Byron Worthington. Her family Bible, the possible key to her estate, is stolen and she has a series of near misses--accidents, or attempts on her life? The demure Heather finds herself falling in love with Sir Byron and becomes his mistress, described in sizzling detail, even as she fears his role in the mishaps.
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