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打從小野貓科黛莉‧喬登見到來自波士頓的羅根‧布雷史頓之後, 便無法忍受他的傲慢與自大。
只因為她是女流之輩, 所以他拒絕了她為牧場的貸款。
雖然, 這苗條的俏姑娘從沒勾引過任何男人, 但是, 為了她的家園, 她只好獻上美人計。
只是, 當她悄悄的貼近這黑髮而俊美的敵人之際, 她竟愛上這小小的伎倆......
她無法控制自己, 無法守著她的防線。
英俊瀟灑的羅根‧布雷史頓自認對女人有相當的了解, 見了科黛莉之後, 他才知道女人還有她這一型的。
From the moment spirited "Cat" Jordan met handsome Bostonian Logan Blackstone, she couldn't stand his overbearing arrogance. How dare he deny her ranch credit because he didn't think a woman could do the job! Though the slender blonde had never before played the flirt, she realized that approach was her last gamble to keep her property. But the closer the long-limbed beauty sidled up to her dark-haired enemy, the more she enjoyed her role... and the less control she had over what the results might be!
Virile, aloof Logan Blackstone was no stranger to women, but when he came across Cat Jordan, he knew she was one of a kind. The Texas filly could break horses, herd cattle, mend fences-- and ignite his desire as no other female ever had! The cool Yankee refused to acknowledge her effect on him, and swore they would part-- the sooner the better! But once she pressed her nubile body against him and opened her lips to his, Logan was past the point of no return, swept up in the sensuous tempest of his Texas Wildcat
希代-精美名著 1989-03-17 |