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The Inferno Club: In public, this scandalous society of London aristocrats is notorious for pursuing all manner of debauchery. But in private, they are warriors who would do anything to protect king and country...
They say that the very name of Warrington is cursed...
From a time as old as the cold stone of the duke's ancestral castle, the Warrington men have been plagued by tragedy. But Rohan Kilburn, the Duke of Warrington, has vowed to escape the predestined torment by forsaking love and devoting his life to the Inferno Club and its secret mission.
And then she is brought to him unbidden by cutthroats hoping to calm the duke's infamous temper—a sacrificial virgin of sorts. But even overpowered, Kate Madsen will be no man's sacrifice. And the duke's price for claiming her may be what he has sworn never to give—the heart he has so long and fiercely guarded—to the beautiful hostage he was never meant to love.
Mass Market Paperback, 387 pages
Published June 29th 2010 by Avon (first published January 1st 2010)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: My Dangerous Duke
本系列最喜歡的一本,劇情開始帶入Inferno Club的秘密但還不會太多,男主角很美味,身強體壯如古代的戰士還

其實這本書我已經陸續重讀過幾次了,但是常常跳讀,尤其是Inferno Club那一連串的人物登場讓我很頭痛,還有最後的尋寶真的很像古墓奇兵也讓我很出戲,還有我也很討厭看女主角用愛救贖男主角的故事類型,用愛救贖有很多種,這種男主角狠心拒絕女主角是我最不喜歡的,看得我都哭了,基於以上幾點所以我小扣了一分。