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貌美動人的莎拉是一位受過歌劇訓練的年輕女孩, 她熱愛歌唱, 夢想當一位出色的演唱家。 然而, 喜愛歌劇卻使她相當排斥通俗的歌舞劇。
巴納狄特‧比德斯正是一位歌舞劇的作曲家, 他擁有如童話故事中所描寫的白馬王子: 高大英俊, 聲名遠播, 富而好禮。 如此優秀的條件, 自然使巴納狄特成為女孩們傾心的對象。 因此「花花公子」之名不逕而走。
就在莎拉失業、走投無路時, 她有個機會參加電視「新秀選拔」的比賽。 從此一鳴驚人, 事業扶搖直上。 更巧的是, 她竟意外加入巴納狄特歌舞劇的演出。
由此, 莎拉和巴納狄特的情感衝突開始展開......
Thank heaven she was forewarned! Benedict Peters was macho, tall and lean, and exuded raw sensuality. If Sara hadn't known how cruel he could be to women--hadn't he devastated her best friend?--she'd have fallen for him hook, line and sinker.But her escalating singing career made it impossible--and imprudent--to avoid him. For he was England's top musical writer and producer. His songs were perfect for her.So Sara fought her feelings. She'd sing for him, but she wouldn't succumb to him. Wouldn't get into a fever over which gorgeous blonde he would date next ....