由 鈕釦 在 發表
Lady Caroline Grayson had always wanted to study botany - and had already bred a rare lavender rose - but as a woman in nineteenth century England, her intelligence and talents were ignored. Caroline was determined to see her dream become a reality - even if it meant masquerading as a man to be accepted at a university. But when her father arranged for her to marry, she agreed - knowing she could not become a conventional wife. Yet marriage wasn't what she thought it would be. Her attractive new husband gave her the freedom she never expected - and the respect she had always deserved. At first she tried to resist his admiration, his love..and especially his touch. But soon she was surprised and overcome by her husband's - and her own - passion. Now Caroline might have to make the most difficult choice of all - between her lifelong dream and the depth of her love for an extraordinary man.
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: MY DARLING CAROLINE by Adele Ashworth
My Darling Caroline 是 Adele Ashworth 的處女作,也是她廣受好評的得獎作品(RITA 獎)。我覬覦這本書有一段時日了,卻直到最近才決定買下來收藏。
對 Big Misunderstanding 的劇情接受度奇差的我,可用一粒老鼠屎壞了一整鍋粥,來形容我對 My Darling Caroline 的感受
前面的兩百多頁的故事很溫馨,這作者的敘述手法頗細膩,也把重心完全放在男女主角的互動互識上。除了男主角 Brent 娶女主角 Caroline 的理由稍微牽強點了之外(考慮到 Caroline 的爹爹是使出啥詭計當脅誘籌碼的),無論是 Caroline 對植物學的熱情,還是經歷過殘酷戰爭洗禮的 Brent 曾置身腐屍堆中的那場可怕夢魘,我認為都描述得很不錯(雖然後者描繪得太 graphic 了點
我無意因噎廢食。但倒數七十幾頁的那一幕 BM,真的破壞了我對此書該有的熱愛![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/wither.gif)
特別這場誤解場景,是緊接在 Caroline 被 Brent 的法國仇敵逮到、Brent 解救了她之後馬上發生,讓仍在為男主角的英勇機智喝采的我,對這個來得急又猛的轉折相當錯愕 。錯愕的不是大誤解的降臨,因為東窗事發早在預料中,而是前面的兩百多頁一直表現得理性和體恤的 Brent,對 Caroline 的隱瞞/欺騙反應,竟會如此惱人的激烈和冷酷![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/broken_heart.gif)
要說欺瞞,Brent 也絕非生手 。Caroline 和他結婚一個禮拜之後,才曉得他有個私生女──而且是她自己發現,並非他主動告知的。不管他當時編織的理由有多冠冕堂皇,欺瞞就是欺瞞,沒什麼藉口可美化他的過失。如果 Caroline 沒有自己發現,誰曉得他打算繼續「藏私」多久?![:~ :~](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/confused_smile.gif)
兩個人都犯了刻意隱瞞的相同錯誤──儘管他堅持她才是背叛他的猶大──為何在得知她的「計劃」後,Brent 不能將心比心,稍微體諒一下 Caroline 的立場呢?是我太短視了?太不了解男人的自尊和驕傲了?對男主角過度苛求了?
當局者迷。Brent 需要幾個耳清目明的旁觀者(譬如他的妹妹和 Caroline 的姊姊)來點醒他,這我並不驚訝。他聽不進 Caroline 的解釋,這才是讓我吞嚥不易的地方![:~ :~](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/confused_smile.gif)
啃完這本書之後,確實有些失望。但這是我自己的品味問題。或許各位小姐主婦對我所說的 BM 橋段,會以較通融的角度去看待,能夠毫無困難的接受,甚至很滿意作者的安排呢![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/teeth_smile.gif)
撇開我上述的抱怨,平心而論,這本 My Darling Caroline 仍是滿值得拜讀的作品。不在乎步調慢的,覺得自己對誤解和衝突等場面有適度包容力的小姐主婦,可以把此書列入考慮哦![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/wink_smile.gif)