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依據AAR的註解:羅曼史裡的浪子常被當作情聖、萬人迷的專屬名詞,是種懂得盡情享受生命的風流人物;而惡棍則帶點危險份子的基調,也許是個私掠船長、也許謀殺了他的老婆,或者總是游走在法律邊緣的傢伙。但多數被貼上浪子/惡棍標籤的人並非真的是個壞蛋。資料來源 http://www.likesbooks.com/rakes.html
Medieval Romances 中古世紀羅曼史
The Bride by Julie Garwood 春光版新娘/浪漫經典2新娘 (金氏)by 茱麗‧嘉伍德
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale 蘿拉‧金賽爾
A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught 浪漫經典49綺夢王國by茱迪‧麥娜
Lady Gallant by Suzanne Robinson 浪漫經典52淑女英豪 by蘇珊妮‧羅賓遜
Lady Fortune by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
Regency Romances 攝政時期羅曼史
Indiscreet by Mary Balogh 瑪麗‧貝洛
The Notorious Rake by Mary Balogh 瑪麗‧貝洛
An Arranged Marriage by Jo Beverley 喬‧比佛利
Emily and The Dark Angel by Jo Beverley 喬‧比佛利
Miss Thornrose and the Rake by Geraldine Burrows
Reclaiming Lord Rockleigh by Nancy Butler
An English Witch by Loretta Chase by羅莉塔‧雀斯
A Change of Heart by Candice Hern 康笛絲‧荷恩
Venetia by Georgette Heyer
Reforming Lord Ragsdale by Carla Kelly
The Rake's Reward by Mary Kingsley
The Bad Baron's Daughter by Laura London蘿拉‧雷頓
An Angel for the Earl by Barbara Metzger
Lady in Green by Barbara Metzger
The Rake and The Reformer by Mary Jo Putney by瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼
Lord St. Claire's Angel by Donna Simpson
European Historical Romances 歐洲歷史羅曼史
First Comes Marriage by Mary Balogh RA183婚姻與理性(The Huxtable Quintet)by瑪麗‧貝洛
Heartless by Mary Balogh 瑪麗‧貝洛
Hundreds of Years to Reform a Rake by Laurie Brown
Portrait of My Heart by Patricia Cabot
Across a Moonlit Sea Marsha Canham 瑪莎‧康漢
My False Heart by Liz Carlyle
Never Romance a Rake by Liz Carlyle
The Last Hellion by Loretta Chase RA41好個惹禍精by羅莉塔‧雀斯
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase RA27惡棍侯爵 by羅莉塔‧雀斯
Calypso Magic by Catherine Coulter浪漫經典326月影麗人by凱薩琳‧庫克
Midsummer Magic by Catherine Coulter
The Wild Baron by Catherine Coulter 浪漫新典50愛情靈魔 by凱薩琳‧庫克
Bliss by Judy Cuevas (Judith Ivory) 茱迪‧艾佛瑞
Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D'Alessandro
London's Perfect Scoundrel by Suzanne Enoch
Reforming a Rake by Suzanne Enoch
Vice by Jane Feather 浪漫經典479桃色奇遇 by珍‧菲勒
Lord of Fire by Gaelen Foley RA73烈火爵爺 by葛倫‧夫利
嗚…..好想看《Lord of Ice》果樹遲遲不推出續集
To Have and to Hold by Patricia Gaffney浪漫經典488蘭閨情怨 by派翠西亞‧葛芬妮
The Gift by Julie Garwood 浪漫經典7 禮物(翡翠號系列)by 茱麗‧嘉伍德
The Perfect Rake by Anne Gracie
Her Officer and Gentleman by Karen Hawkins
Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer
THE RAVEN PRINCE by Elizabeth Hoyt RA121烏鴉王子(The Princes Trilogy1)by伊莉莎白‧荷特
To Seduce a Sinner by Elizabeth Hoyt RA169罪人的引誘 (The Legend of the Four Soldiers2)by伊莉莎白‧荷特
The Seduction of an English Scoundrel by Jillian Hunter吉莉安‧杭特
The Forbidden Lord by Sabrina Jeffries RA97禁忌爵爺(Lord Trilogy) by莎賓娜‧傑佛瑞
Let Sleeping Rogues Lie by Sabrina Jeffries 莎賓娜‧傑佛瑞
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale 蘿拉‧金賽爾
Seize the Fire by Laura Kinsale 精美名著1214/1215落難公主 by蘿拉‧金賽爾
The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas RA83冬天的惡魔(璧花系列3) by 莉莎‧克萊佩
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas 浪漫經典313浪子情癡 (賭場系列2) by 莉莎‧克萊佩
Where Dreams Begin by Lisa Kleypas RA23夢想開始的地方 by 莉莎‧克萊佩
Highland Rogue by Arnette Lamb 浪漫經典262蘇格蘭公爵 by安妮塔‧藍伯
The Duke's Wager (1983) by Edith Layton艾迪絲‧雷頓
Gentle Rogue by Johanna Lindsey 希代柔情339魔王的新女伴(莫洛裡家族3)by喬安娜‧林賽
Tender Rebel by Johanna Lindsey 希代柔情342惡棍的遊戲(莫洛裡家族2) by喬安娜‧林賽
The Windflower by Laura London蘿拉‧雷頓
The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Anne Long 茱莉‧安‧朗恩
Veiled Passions by Tracy MacNish
A Whisper of Violets by Linda Madl
Til Dawn Tames The Night by Meagan McKinney 浪漫經典20曙光的溫柔 by美根‧麥金妮
Some Like It Wicked by Teresa Medeiros德瑞莎‧麥德羅
The Thorn & The Thistle by Julie Moffett
Meet Me at Midnight by Jacqueline Navin
Petals in the Storm by Mary Jo Putney 浪漫經典261風中的花瓣(墮落天使系列)by瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼
The Rake by Mary Jo Putney 浪漫新典88浪子 by瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼
Silk and Shadows by Mary Jo Putney 浪漫經典73絲與陰影 by瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼
Thunder and Roses by Mary Jo Putney 浪漫經典161魔鬼與玫瑰(墮落天使系列) by瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼
Minx by Julia Quinn 浪漫經典553小淘氣 by茱莉亞.昆恩
Splendid by Julia Quinn
When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn 高寶香頌22浪子情深(柏家系列6)by茱莉亞.昆恩
Upon a Wicked Time by Karen Ranney 凱倫‧蕾妮
The Rogue and the Rival by Maya Rodale
The Devil's Waltz by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
To Love a Dark Lord by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
A Rose At Midnight by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
The Black Angel by Barbara Samuel 芭芭拉‧山謬爾
Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons
The Rogue Report by Barbara Dawson Smith 芭芭拉‧道生‧史密斯
Once in a blue moon by Penelope Williamson 希代柔情303藍色激情夜by潘妮洛普‧威廉森
A Rose in Winter by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss 希代柔情27愛奴 by凱瑟琳‧渥迪威斯
American Historical/Frontier Romances 美國歷史/西部拓荒羅曼史
The Raider by Jude Deveraux 希代小說族10令人羞澀的情郎(蒙特格利家族系列)by茱蒂‧德佛奧
A Rogue in Texas by Lorraine Heath羅蕾妮‧海瑟
Sweet Savage Love by Rosemary Rogers 浪漫經典288狂野的愛 by露絲瑪莉‧羅傑斯
Still Life with Murder by P.B. Ryan
The Gamble by LaVyrle Spencer 浪漫經典146 愛之賭 by蕾維爾‧史賓瑟
Heart of the West by Penelope Williamson潘妮洛普‧威廉森
Contemporary Romances 現代羅曼史
Baby, Don't Go by Susan Andersen
Get Lucky by Suzanne Brockmann 蘇珊妮‧柏克曼
這系列名稱一看就知道是羅曼史,哈 TDD:Tall, Dark & Dangerous
Billy Bob Walker Got Married by Lisa G. Brown
Crazy for Lovin' You by Lisa G. Brown
Slow Heat in Heaven by Sandra Brown希代柔情250熾情森林by珊黛‧布朗/桑德拉‧布朗
Crazy for You by Jennifer Crusie 珍妮佛‧克魯茲
Faking It by Jennifer Crusie珍妮佛‧克魯茲
The Growing Season by Rebecca Flanders
See Jane Score byRachel Gibson by RA54 冰球情人夢(冰球隊系列)by 瑞秋‧吉普森
Truly Madly Yours by Rachel Gibson RA36真正瘋狂愛上你 by瑞秋‧吉普森
Lucky's Lady by Tami Hoag 黛咪‧豪格
All For Quinn by Kay Hooper凱‧琥珀
After the Night by Linda Howard 浪漫經典435那一夜之後 by琳達‧霍華
MacKenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard 薔薇頰1129寂寞的狼(The Mackenzie Family)by琳達‧霍華
Absolute Trouble by Michelle Jerott
All a Man Can Be by Virginia Kantra
Double Standards by Judith McNaught 浪漫經典11雙面嬌娃 by茱迪‧麥娜
The Second Coming of Lucy Hatch by Marsha Moyer
Jackson Rule by Dinah McCall 浪漫經典504愛的重生 by黛娜‧瑪格 (同Sharon Sala雪倫‧莎拉)
Heaven, Texas by Susan Elizabeth Phillips 浪漫經典581德州天堂(芝加哥星隊系列)by蘇珊‧伊利莎白‧菲力普斯
One Summer by Karen Robards 林白午夜場57 夏日煙雲 by凱倫‧羅巴德斯
Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts 希代迷你影集25危險的邂逅by諾拉‧羅伯特
Finding the Dream by Nora Roberts諾拉‧羅伯特
Honest Illusions by Nora Roberts 希代迷你影集28真實的幻象 by諾拉‧羅伯特
Megan's Mate by Nora Roberts諾拉‧羅伯特
Playing the Odds by Nora Roberts諾拉‧羅伯特
The Return of Rafe MacKade by Nora Roberts諾拉‧羅伯特
Sea Swept by Nora Roberts諾拉‧羅伯特
True Betrayals by Nora Roberts 諾拉‧羅伯特
Annie and the Outlaw by Sharon Sala 雪倫‧莎拉
Moonrise by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
Night Fall by Anne Stuart 希代柔情329殺手的黃昏 by 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
Ritual Sins by Anne Stuart 安妮‧史都華/安‧史塔特
Darkling I Listen by Katherine Sutcliffe凱薩林‧蘇克里佛
True Blue by Ingrid Weaver
Alternate Reality 虛擬現實
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong - Clayton Danvers
Hundreds of Years to Reform a Rake by Laurie Brown
Rejar by Dara Joy 妲拉‧裘依
In Death Series by Nora Roberts謎蹤系列 by諾拉.羅伯特
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lynn.romance replied on 固定網址
Re: AAR 的 Rakes & Rogues 書單
JustAnother replied on 固定網址
Re: AAR 的 Rakes & Rogues 書單
1.依據瑪麗.貝洛的官網,RA183婚姻與理性應該是屬於:The Huxtable Quintet系列(詳見: http://www.marybalogh.com/series.html)
2.RA36真正瘋狂愛上你by瑞秋‧吉普森 這本是屬於:Truly, Idaho系列,此系列另一本書是RA160與你勾勾纏(作者官網中與你勾勾纏也列在Writer Friends女作家系列裡,詳見: http://www.rachelgibson.com/category/books/?type=series)
3.瑪麗‧喬‧普特尼的 浪漫新典38火之河、48破碎的彩虹、58完美的玫瑰 都是屬於墮落天使系列 ;
浪漫經典73絲與陰影和浪漫經典81絲與秘密則都屬於: THE SILK TRILOGY系列
浪漫新典129野孩子、浪漫新典146中國新娘、浪漫新典199交換來的新娘 都是THE BRIDE TRILOGY系列(詳見: http://www.maryjoputney.com/bookshelf.htm)
4. 莎賓娜‧傑佛瑞的RA97禁忌爵爺、RA155海盜爵爺都是屬於Lord Trilogy系列