由 lynn.romance 在 發表
Jenny Gray woundered if she could survive a day in an isolated cabin near an Indian reservation--and she needed to stay "five years" to make the land hers. She had never chopped wood or cooked a biscuit in her life before she ran away form Pennsylvania with her two young sisters to teach school to the Shoshoni. She wasn't like any other woman in Sweetwater, Wyoming Territory, and local rancher Trell McCall thought her as pround and beautiful as a princess, a lady who would never fall for a man with only livestock to his name. But when a crooked Indian agent tries to drive her out, Jenny needs help. And when the untamed land begins to bestow its real riches--loyal, courageous friends and a rugged man ready to stand by her side--Jenny is ready to fight for their love.
ceamw replied on 固定網址
Re: Sweetwater