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婚前的戀愛過程是一段艱辛坎坷甘苦並嚐的歷程,許多人歌頌、讚歎而完全忽略了婚後生活才是真正人生的開始。 有些人修成正果而共進地毯的另一端,婚後卻未能拿出婚前衝鋒陷陣的精神去克服彼此間的障礙,因為他們都無法瞭解婚姻的真諦,及忘卻前人所遺留下的金科玉律,最終不免成為婚姻的失敗者。
Nothing had really changed, Diana thought miserably. She'd been foolish to hope that lovemaking would resolve the situation more satisfactorily than talking.
Jason, her husband, was a law unto himself. And she knew she wouldn't want him any other way. Uncommitted, untamed, he came and went as he chose and expected her to understand.
"You were supposed to trust me." Jason said. If only she didn't have this fear that one day he might go out and never return!