由 VTR 在 發表

Camilla is determined to find the perfect match for the irresistible new Earl of Sachse. But what if the only bride the earl desires is the unattainable Camilla?
To wed for duty? The secenth earl of Sachse has only recently gained the title; but he already knows his duty: to wed one of the debutantes thrust under his nose at every turn. But he is interested in one woman only: coolly beautiful, maddeningly remote Camilla. Known throughout Londpn as a force to be reckoned with, she has made it clear it is her pleasure to tutor the dashing earl in the ways of society, even offering to find him the perfect bride.
To wed for Love? But he is determined that it is Camilla who will share his marriage bed. He tantalizes her with his caresses and soothes her with his kisses. But why does she resist him so, when she obviously yearns to surrender to his single-minded pursuit? Then, Camilla’s hidden past comes to light, bearing consequences neither ever expected. Soon, he will discover the secret that haunts her lovely eyes and make a decision that will change their lives forever.
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Re: As An Earl Desires by Lorraine Heath
男主角是一個鄉下教師,因為有位當伯爵的cousin死了,他是唯一可繼承爵位的親屬,所以就到倫敦當起伯爵來了。前任伯爵年紀很大,卻有位年輕的遺孀卡密拉,卡密拉急著幫新伯爵找一位適當的新娘延續香火,但新伯爵只對卡密拉有意!(對外國人的cousin不解,好像不分輩份,泛指遠親,傲慢偏見裡,Mr. Bennet的cousin Mr. Collins也是Jane/Elizabeth的cousin?所以搞不清楚卡密拉到底是新伯爵的舅媽嬸嬸輩還是嫂子輩,雖然她比新伯爵年輕)
故事就在兩人不搭調的談話中進行(快速翻過),直到後來新伯爵發現卡密拉的秘密 – 她不識字!她出身貧寒,父母過逝後,被送到孤兒院,因為年紀比較大而且記憶佳反應快,沒有人知道她不識字,都派她去辦事,之後她到貴族家幫傭,受到夫人喜愛,帶在身邊,學會了上流社會的應對和各家軼事,後來到老伯爵家做事,伯爵夫人很喜歡她,臨終時還把重要的訊息交給她,但老伯爵硬將她娶做續絃,並變態地在她身上發洩,不過她都忍過了,還成了倫敦有名的交際女王(因為每家的八卦她都知道)。
天阿,從來沒有看過如此不討喜的男女主角,不知道Lorraine Heath在想什麼,看她的之前德州三兄弟還不錯,越寫越回頭了。沒有葉子!地雷書的下場 – 做中秋烤肉的火引子吧………