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Two people. Ten chances. One unforgettable love story.
Laurie is pretty sure love at first sight doesn't exist anywhere but the movies. But then, through a misted-up bus window one snowy December day, she sees a man who she knows instantly is the one. Their eyes meet, there's a moment of pure magic... and then her bus drives away.
Certain they're fated to find each other again, Laurie spends a year scanning every bus stop and cafe in London for him. But she doesn't find him, not when it matters anyway. Instead they "reunite" at a Christmas party, when her best friend Sarah giddily introduces her new boyfriend to Laurie. It's Jack, the man from the bus. It would be.
What follows for Laurie, Sarah and Jack is ten years of friendship, heartbreak, missed opportunities, roads not taken, and destinies reconsidered. One Day in December is a joyous, heartwarming and immensely moving love story to escape into and a reminder that fate takes inexplicable turns along the route to happiness.
春天Lámour Love More 2022-06-15 |
Jamie Liao replied on 固定網址
Re: One day in December
12月在國外就是個到處都被聖誕假期氣氛所圍繞的時節,連閱讀也不例外,本書的副標題就是「A Christmas Love story」,它是在2018/10/16出版,但在好讀網已經有5萬7千多筆評價,平均4.05星,相當受歡迎的書。沒看文案的習慣,以為本書會是像喬治.克隆尼與蜜雪兒.菲佛主演的電影 「一日鍾情 One Fine Day」 快速歡樂的一日愛情故事,我錯了,錯的離譜!
全部劇情 (以下略有劇情)
故事相當精彩,很多橋段有如電影般的畫面,從一開始的12月倫敦街頭雪景、遊樂場的生日慶祝、Oscar 帥氣的身影從白色沙灘上走向Laurie、Laurie與Oscar 聖大的婚禮、最後Laurie奔向Jack等等。但是,首先請考慮 :
當Sarah第一次介紹Jack給Laurie時,Laurie當下如果坦白Jack是bus boy ,事情是否會不同?( 不過這樣故事應該很難掰下去了 ) 這個也是個埋伏的爆點就是了,殺傷力超強大!
Laurie 在麗貝島第一天認識Oscar就上床,不怕對方是通緝犯、殺人魔?(好吧! 這是羅曼史小說,不是CSI 劇情,我想太多了)
最讓我腦筋斷線的是,Oscar 身家頗豐,在銀行的工作又前途光明,十足十的鑽石單身漢,對Laurie 專注深情,對一般女人而言,這簡直像中了樂透,應該會全力以赴的維持這段關係,但Laurie 不是普通女人,她是女主角,而Oscar 只是男配角,所以……當Oscar 喜不自勝的宣佈他要被高升為布魯塞爾銀行分部總裁,要求Laurie 一起前往時,Laurie鬼哭神號的說:那我的工作怎麼辦 ? ( @@ 你是小雜誌的青少女問題Q&A專欄作家,這種工作人在世界各地都可做啊 !你是住在沒網路的亞馬遜雨林嗎 ? ) 更令人傻眼的是後來Sarah邀請她長住澳洲時,Laurie 想到她的工作應該不受影響,咦?你確定?澳洲比布魯塞爾遠很多耶!我的白眼已經翻到後腦勺了。
Jack 與Oscar 為何愛上Laurie?這始終是個謎,Laurie 沒有Sarah 漂亮、工作不積極、婚姻不認真,何德何能擄獲兩大型男帥哥的青睞?因為她是女主角,所以瞪一眼完勝美女Sarah !Sarah 費盡心思想鼓勵受傷的Jack ,比不上Laurie一次拜訪。這些為了讓開頭的一眼定情走向Happy Ending 的安排,驟看覺得超極浪漫,細想覺得無敵白爛。
本來應該給三葉,但看在作者讓Jack 在Laurie婚禮上的絕美致辭,再加半葉。
You tread lightly through life, but you leave deep footprints that are hard for other people to fill. By Jack