由 鈕釦 在 發表

柯水晶在喪母之痛後, 決定前往尋找她採礦致富的父親----柯約翰。
尋父的旅途上, 儘管她用黑紗蒙面, 並且穿上厚衣, 來遮掩她美麗的身材, 但是那個英俊男人----瑞克卻仍然緊盯她不放。
偏巧一群匪徒搶劫火車, 水晶出言不遜, 使得匪徒決定劫持她向柯約翰勒索。
而瑞克竟然挺身而出, 願意與水晶同為人質, 以保護她。
令她恐懼的是, 歹徒之中的狄文, 竟然是瑞克的弟弟, 看來她的四周埋伏了無數危機。
可是, 瑞克卻一再地保證, 只要她喬裝成他的情人, 他便能將她救出。
她該不該相信他呢? 為什麼生性保守的她, 竟然為他傳情的眼神所迷眩, 而一再渴望他熱情的吻呢?
她真能脫離歹徒的魔掌, 見到她的父親嗎?
還有, 存在於瑞克與狄文間的殺伐之氣, 究竟是為什麼而起? 為什麼兩個兄弟間, 會有如此深仇?
When bandits held up her train and took her hostage, golden haired Krystal Colbert was terrified. But after a handsome stranger strode after her, caressed her familiarly, and stated she was his fiancee, the stubborn beauty was indignant. Just because he was lean, tall and rugged didn't mean he could protect her any better than she could herself. Yet even at the height of danger, the cowboy's constant touch turned her thoughts as amorous as they were angry, as feverish as they were furious, as outrageous as they were outraged, until Krystal didn't know if she wanted to be released--or ravished.
Womanizing Drake DeGanahl had been trying to get the shapely blonde's attention since he boarded in Wyoming. And when the swaggering male saw his outlaw brother leading the train robber gang, he saw his opportunity to claim the beauty--and to best the brother who'd always competed with him. Grasping Krystal in his hard embrace, Drake felt her curves fit him perfectly, and he knew he d chanced the right thing. For once he rescued her from the thieving toughs, he d take her to a wild and lonely spot and command his reward of lawless lust, rapacious rapture and DESPERADO DESIRE
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