由 鈕釦 在 發表
Caroline Richmond started running on her wedding day--the same day her husband died. Her malicious brother-in-law had kept his vow to make her a widow, but she knew he wouldn't stop at that, and her solitary life was filled with fear of him always one step behind her. She thought she'd found a shred of peace in Texas, and at least a glimmer of the life she deserved. But when a mysterious bounty hunter came to town, she knew the wrath in his amber eyes was meant only for her. He found a way to be everywhere she was, speaking words with double meaning in his smooth French accent and making her nerves hum in a way she thought she'd conquered.
Wade Renault came out of retirement for one reason: to see a deceptive murderess brought to justice. But when he menthe woman pictured in the tintype he'd carried for months, he sensed more panic than treachery. She lived too simply, she seemed too honest and scared. Someone had deceived him, but he would wait it out and get her right where he wanted her, beneath...THE MOON AND THE STARS
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: The Moon and the Stars
女主角(Caroline)因未婚夫的繼兄(Brace)覬覦女主角和家產,所以剛結婚還沒度過新婚之夜就變成了寡婦, 女主角知道自己對抗不了Brace故開始了逃亡的旅程,女主角在逃亡過程中恐懼的心態作者寫得讓我很有感,後來終於找到了一個地方隱姓埋名的過日子。