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A Passionate Affair
譯者: 俞子平
樸實可親的凱珊朵拉, 丈夫去世後, 在一次酒會中巧遇名記者傑伊, 心田即已暗滋愛苗, 但幾乎所有的人都一致否定傑伊的人品, 勸她遠離他; 凱珊朵拉已經歷過一段不美滿的婚姻, 她能再度拿自己的幸福做賭注嗎?
"He''s quite famous--and notorious."
Cassandra had been warned, and she didn''t care. After enduring a disastrous marriage she was now ready for an affair with no strings attached.
But Jay Ravek was not like any man she''d known before. He was a totally new experience, and quickly she realized she wanted much more than a casual relationship.
If she was foolish enough to put her heart in his keeping she might never recover. Better for her to run now than to suffer the inevitable anguish.