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年輕美麗、富冒險心的妮可拉因一念之仁, 為朋友赴約, 而走入以蝴蝶為名的牧場----瑪莉波沙; 此名乃是為了紀念牧場第一位女主人, 她是風華絕代的曼拉夫人。曼拉為了愛, 不惜隨夫千里跋涉, 為後世留下真性情的典範。個性真摯的妮可拉便思以效之。
然而情感的折磨並非輕鬆事。 尤其英俊幹練的路易士身旁, 尚有保守固執的姨媽伊莎貝拉夫人和個性偏狹的表妹貝蕾。而愛情的迷藏又有數不清的酸苦滋味, 妮可拉一一嚐遍。所幸她終能坦然面對情感, 因此得嚐善果, 覓得人生旅途的溫馨歸宿。
蝶來蝶往, 看花開花落; 緣生緣滅, 觀人世多變。 願有情人如妮可拉妮可拉和路易士者, 姻緣有果, 相倚相守, 擁有蝴蝶一樣的春天。
Nicola found he was a law unto himselfShe had agreed to masquerade as his prospective bride to help her young friend escape. She was appalled that arranged marriages still existed.But Luis Alvarado de Montalba was not a man to be crossed. "You forced your way into my life, " he informed her when he discovered the deception, "and now you will remain in it. "While she conceded he was entitled to his anger, it was her life and future he had taken under control. And he simply ignored her protests.Mills & BoonBecause the last thing her young friend Teresita wanted was to be forced into a marriage of convenience with the guardian she had not seen for years, Nicola Tarrant agreed to pose as Teresita when the guardian, the formidable Don Luis Alvardo de Montalba, came to claim her. But the plot went sadly awry when Don Luis called her bluff - and to her horror Nicola found herself whisked off to a hacienda somewhere in the heart of Mexico, and forced to marry him. And there was no way she could escape...