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Laura Howard, a pretty English nurse on holiday, stopped suddenly her tour of Italy in Florence, and she had fallen under the spell of the beautiful city. She interrupts her vacation to help the Contessa dell'Alba return home after a sudden illness. Laura is drawn into the family circle as a companion to young Domenico, the contessa's blind son, for whom she feels herself drawn. She befriends the family, but Conte dell'Alba would never consider an foreign girl without title or fortune--even though she loved him enough to die for him. To her horror, she suddenly realises that his life is in danger. Enmeshed in a web of intrigue and confusion, unable to find the source of the threats, Laura despairs of her inability to convince the family of the mortal danger they are in. Finally aware of her love for Domenico, she tries desperately to uncover the mystery but she soon finds out that her own life is in danger too....