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She Sought Revenge But Discovered Desire.
On a quest to avenge her sister's death, Eleanor Watkins never expected to fall for the man following her through pleasure gardens and into ballrooms. But soon nothing can keep her from the arms of the sinfully attractive scoundrel, not even the dangerous secrets she keeps. Strong, compassionate, and utterly irresistible, James is all she desires. But can she trust him enough to let herself succumb to all the pleasures that midnight allows?
James Swindler has worked hard to atone for his unsavory past. He is now as at home in London's glittering salons as he is in the roughest streets. But when the inspector is tasked with keeping watch on a mysterious lady suspected of nefarious deeds, he is determined to use his skills at seduction to lure Eleanor into revealing her plans. Instead, he is the one seduced, turning away from everything he holds dear in order to protect her—no matter the cost to his heart.
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Re: Midnight pleasure with a scoundrel
這個James在每一本書都只是個小配角,直到這本登上了男主角之列。我本來不太期待,因為前幾本對他的描述不多,感覺不是一個特別出色的人,但是等到看了這本就改觀了。這本還是一樣那麼好看,而且這本比前幾本多了好多個turns of events,一直讓人有出乎意料的梗。感覺在劇情的安排上豐富了許多,讓它更有[懸疑]的色彩。
雖然懸疑度增加,卻沒有減少羅曼史的成分。我個人很喜歡男女主角在書的前半段談戀愛的安排,雖然彼此都是帶著不同的動機才相處再一起,但是打從一開始就彼此真心吸引,兩人的背後都藏著秘密,但是每一次的相處又展現了最真的自己。我很喜歡James安排每一次的約會,看到他用心安排細節,甚至還去跟好友Claybourne借了帥氣的馬車,借用了他的男僕幫他打理門面,要見到女主角前忐忑不安的心情,見到女主角時完全被她迷住,還浪漫的帶她去河上划船,十足的浪漫約會呀! 看到男人真心獻殷勤的模樣,真是很滿足呢!
這本書的大梗貫穿整本書的走向,不能破梗,因為會破壞從一開始作者想要營造的氣氛。我覺得看得出用心之處。我很喜歡這本書。比起前幾本有不同的感覺。但是當然這幾個Feagan lads在這一集裡面都還是團結再一起,無話說的意氣。
已經看到第四本了,我還是一句話:出版社快點翻譯吧! 這系列很棒,台灣的讀者會喜歡的!