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The Last Wicked Scoundrel
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William Graves is the last of Feagan's scoundrels. A onetime grave robber turned royal physician, he has devoted his life to saving others—because he knows there is no way to save himself. Especially not around a lady like
Winnie. Though undeserving of her touch, he cannot esist. His passion cannot be tamed…even in the face of certain danger.
Winnie, the Duchess of Avendale, never knew peace until her brutal husband died. With William she's discovered burning desire—and the healing power of love. But now, confronted by the past she thought she'd left behind, Winnie must face her fears…or risk losing the one man who can fulfill all her dreams.
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Re: The Last Wicked Scoundrel
我以為Scoundrels of St. James這個系列已經斷頭了,因為新系列Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James(就是幾個流氓的下一代)已經粉墨登場了。沒想到,隔了這麼多年,關於Graves醫生的書終於出來了,總算給廣大書迷一個交代。羅蕾妮‧海瑟倒是挺賣力推銷醫生的,《Lord of Wicked Intentions》和《waking up with the duke》都有醫生出場的鏡頭,雖然只有幾行。
先說這本書的缺點,太短了,只有一百多頁,所以,看過《In Bed With the Devil》的同學,很容易就猜出大概情節和故事走向,當然,並不太影響閱讀的樂趣。
別把人都嚇走了,趕緊拉回來,講點吸引人氣的。前幾集的主角們都有出來亮相。某天,醫生和Winnie在書房談事,談著談著就撲倒在桌子上了,正好這時Catherine(《In Bed With the Devil》的女主角)走進來,撞破好事,醫生不慌不忙說麻煩你出去等一下,然後他幫Winnie穿好衣服,Winnie覺得無法面對好友,說“我想死”,醫生安慰她:“你沒做錯什麼,錯在我,都怪我抵抗不了你的魅力……”(scoundrel的名頭可不是白得的^_^),等他走到門外,Catherine忍不住質問他 “你在這兒幹什麼?”“如果你要問,那Claybourne (Catherine的丈夫)真不是我認識那個人”(If you have to ask then Claybourne is not the man I thought he was),這話可真夠scoundrel^_^