由 鈕釦 在 發表

A rogue ruined . . .
He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London’s corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he’s dreamed of . . . absolution.
A lady returned . . .
Mara planned never to return to the world from which she’d run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple’s exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows...that he is no killer.
A scandal revealed . . .
It’s a fine trade, until Temple realizes that the lady—and her past—are more than they seem. It will take every bit of his strength to resist the pull of this mysterious, maddening woman who seems willing to risk everything for honor . . . and to keep from putting himself on the line for love.
Series: Rules of Scoundrels
Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Avon (November 26, 2013)
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: No Good Duke Goes Unpunished
Temple是個被上流社會放逐的公爵,謠傳他在父親結婚那天殺死了繼母Mara Lowe,上流社會都在他背後叫他“殺手公爵”,他自己卻對此事一直半信半疑,因為當時喝酒太多,醒來時只看到滿床鮮血,對殺人的過程卻完全沒有記憶。由於沒有發現屍體,他沒有受到法律懲罰卻也不再被上流社會接納,由於他善長拳擊有不被打敗的記錄而進入fallen angel賭場成為合夥人,凡是還不起賭債的賭徒都可以挑戰Temple,如果打贏Temple就可免除賭債(當然這種情況從來沒有發生過)。
女主角 Mara Lowe其實沒有死,一直隱姓埋名在一家孤兒院做教師,直到不爭氣的弟弟把家產全部在賭場輸光,連生命都危在旦夕,她才被迫現身,找到Temple,答應幫他洗清冤名,條件就是豁免她弟弟的賭債。Temple答應了嗎?她为什么要故意造成被杀的现场嫁祸于Temple?兩人怎麽從敵對的立場慢慢相愛?過程我就我不劇透了,只能說故事編得還算圓滿,但本身精彩程度比起系列前兩本來,稍微有點讓追書的我不夠滿足。