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女主角瑪琪的好友崔西說:「長得漂亮的人,只要愛對方,就有資格擁有。」瑪琪回答說無論一個人是貌似潘安,才若蘇子,他也會有遲疑不決的時候。 上中所請來第一才子喬治‧麥當奴風流倜儻,才情萬千,但他遇見不忍見到天才自棄的新聞記者瑪琪,也只能愛在心裡。
作者珍妮‧羅絲將全書分為十九章,以瑪琪為中心,從採集新聞到與上司爭執而離去,從搭飛機離開紐約到祖國愛爾蘭的加斯特可夫小鎮,從身為大學教授的真正所愛,而且愛得瘋狂的導演。 情節發展流暢,毫無滯礙,尤其在發揮人物感情有一個「真」字尚可形容,摯情的瑪琪在工作方面負責任,肯擔當,在感情方面的重頭戲,只能說作者若多寫一份則太重,少寫一分則太輕,描寫得真是好棒!
Emerald-eyed Maggie Devlin was willing to tell the world what she thought of George MacDonagh. She even quit her job with Limelight magazine rather than tone down her article criticizing the brilliant film director for selling out.
What Maggie wasn't willing to tell the world-or George-was that he awakened in her stirrings of desire that she had never felt, not even with her former husband. Maggie's secret is safe ... until, invited to join MacDonagh's crew amid the breathless beauty of the Emerald Isle, she finds herself living the love story they are filming.