
10 篇文章 / 0 新
Last seen: 1 週 3 天 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-21 07:14



1. Given a choice, you would be most likely to...
跳舞跳整晚 Dance until dawn.
在圖書室休息 Relax in the library
躲開討厭的親戚 Hide from my relatives.
到外頭散步 Go for a long walk.

2. Your ideal hero is...
任何有爵位的都行 Any peer will do.
浪漫的黑髮吉普賽人 Romantic dark-haired gypsy.
完美先生 Alpha all the way.
世上最具魅力的浪子The world's greatest seducer.

3. If you were a flower, you would be...
經典紅玫瑰 A classic red rose.
純潔的雛菊 An innocent daisy.
感性的白百合 A sensuous white lily.
羞怯的紫羅蘭 A shy violet.

4. Your favorite outfit would be...
舒適的家居服 A cozy at-home dress.
有層層薄紗的晚禮服 A ballgown with layers of tulle.
襯衫配長褲 A shirt and trousers.
高領杉配長裙 A high-necked blouse and a long skirt.

5. Your main flaw is...
我只是有一點拜金 I'm just a little materialistic.
我容易惹麻煩上身 I get into trouble easily.
缺點?啥缺點? Flaw? What flaw?.
我很害羞 I'm rather shy.

6. Your perfect home would be...
小小的鄉間小屋配上白色的柵欄 A little country cottage with a white picket fence.
梅菲爾大廈)豪宅) A big mansion in Mayfair.
漢普頓郡狩獵小屋 A Hampshire hunting lodge.
我與愛侶所在的任何地方 Anywhere, as long as I'm with someone I love.

7. Your archenemy is...
我的愛好 My love interest.
八卦流言 The gossips.
我那詭計多端的婆婆 My scheming mother-in-law.
我那邪惡的堂表兄弟姐妹 My evil cousin.

8. By nature you are a...
夢想家 Dreamer
保護者 Protector
領導者 Leader
協調者 Peacemaker

9. 最想狂吼出來的是...You would be most prone to saying...
我討厭"這是為了我好"的事情 I hate things that are for my own good.
我拒絕相信一生中沒有神奇的事會發生 I refuse to believe that I'll go through life without something magical happening.
我竟然只吸引我瞧不起的男人 Of all the luck. I've found an aphrodisiac that works only on a man whom I despise.
若男人看到我的腿我會羞愧而死 I would die of embarrassment if a man ever saw my legs.

10. Your favorite present would be...
詩集 A book of poetry.
香水 A bottle of perfume.
通往專屬於我的臥房的鑰匙 The key to my locked bedroom.
大鑽戒 A big diamond ring.

11. Your favorite animal is...
波斯貓 A Persian cat.
拉不拉多犬 A labrador.
阿拉伯馬 An Arabian horse.
鴿子 A dove.

12. The best actress to portray you in a movie would be...
凱特哈德森 Kate Hudson.
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley.
莉絲威斯朋 Reese Witherspoon.
凱特溫絲蕾 Kate Winslet.


Last seen: 1 週 3 天 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-21 07:14
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~


[b]Lillian Bowman[/b]

You are high-spirited and stubborn to a fault, but also loyal and extremely loving. You secretly long for a man whose strong will is a match for your own. People tend to tread lightly around you, to avoid provoking your infamous temper.

You would rather have a few, very close friends rather than a wide circle of lesser known acquaintances. However, you will go to any length to protect and help the ones you love. And when the right man comes along, you and he will be the most powerful pairing imaginable. Get ready for fireworks!

Best trysting place : outside in a rose-filled garden
Most flattering color: blue
Best Feature: your long, well-toned legs

Last seen: 17 年 6 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-22 23:51
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

You're most like:

Annabelle Peyton


You are confident and determined, and you love beautiful things–especially when they are beyond your means. Clearly you require a husband who can afford you. Although you are high-maintenance, your affectionate and sentimental nature endears you to family and friends. On the rare occasions when you lose your temper, the storm passes quickly.


As the most romantic of heroines, you are destined to have a passionate love affair with a man who absolutely worships you. However, as you stubbornly pursue your goals, don’t forget that true love can be found when you least expect it!

Best trysting place: music room
Most flattering color: pink
Best Feature: your peaches and cream complexion

飛天女俠到此一遊 8-)

Last seen: 3 天 1 小時 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:20
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

Annabelle Peyton 是「Secret of Summer Night」的女主角。

我的測驗結果也是Annabelle。 8-)


Last seen: 14 年 5 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:30
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

8-) 8-) 啊...完全沒有看麗莎的我, 很早以前就做完測驗了...
我是Daisy...請鈕解惑一下...這又是哪一個壁花?? :oops:

Last seen: 11 年 8 個月 以前
Quite a regular專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2004-12-26 02:53
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

[size=small][color=663399][font=Courier]這.....以前做完測驗的結果也是 Annabelle。 8-)

為此還鬱卒了好幾....咳,分鐘,因為SOASN 的 Annabelle 是個顧我怨的角色。

555,偶比較喜歡美國小妹 Daisy 啦 [/font][/color][/size]

Last seen: 18 年 2 週 以前
已加入: 2005-08-17 12:54
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

我測驗的結果是Lillian Bowman
故事是在It Happened One Autumn這本書,不過十月才出版

Last seen: 7 年 3 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-21 21:13
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

我也是 Lillian Bowman 啦~真實生活的我確實沒有粉多只有少少的幾位親近的朋友。不過,【when the right man comes along, you and he will be the most powerful pairing imaginable. Get ready for fireworks!】???

Last seen: 3 天 1 小時 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:20
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~

壁花系列第三本書《Devil in Winter》,現在101的Page One有現貨喔,昨天買完後,架上還有兩本。

第二本《It Happened One Autumn》,超好看,令我對莉莎重拾信心,有空再來貼報報。

Last seen: 17 年 6 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-22 23:51
Re: 莉莎克萊佩的壁花測驗~


飛天女俠到此一遊 8-)