NEW YORK )Reuters) - On-line book store Amazon.com, in what could be a literary equivalent of snacking, is now selling short stories, and even alternate chapters or single scenes from novels, for 49 cents each.
"Amazon Shorts," on sale from Monday, have no printed editions and are delivered only digitally.
"Amazon Shorts will help authors find new readers and help readers find and discover authors they'll love," said Steve Kessel, Amazon.com's vice president of digital media. "We hope that by making short-form literature widely and easily available, Amazon.com can help to fuel a revival of this kind of work."
Publishers have always had a hard time selling and marketing the single, short-form work -- the novella, or the novelette, or the even shorter "novelini," he said.
Customers can now find Amazon Shorts from accomplished authors, such as Danielle Steel or Tama Janowitz, in various genres and formats, including alternate chapters and scenes to well-known stories, personal memoirs, one-act plays and classic short stories.
No digital rights management software is needed to download and read Amazon Shorts.
Customers have three options for reading a piece:
-- View now: Takes customers to a Web page to read or print out the Amazon Short.
-- Download: Initiates the download of a PDF file.
-- E-mail: Sends the entire Amazon Short in a plain-text message to the specified e-mail address.
謝謝離題大王同學帶來的消息, 看了這則報導, 好奇的我當然二話不說直奔Amazon Shorts, 我只有看文學小說區, 果然十幾個故事都不長, 最長的有45頁, 賣$0.49, 最短的作品只有七頁, 也是賣$0.49. 目前所有類別賣的最好的書長度有38頁.
我是覺得這個Amazon Shorts比先前的電子書多一些疑問就是.
以前的電子書下載的話, 還得加上那個粉麻煩需認證來認證去的閱讀器. 先前在舊站討論電子書時有討論到, 因為版權的問題, 如果換了PC就不行讀了.
而現在竟然可以使用一般的閱讀器, 不用多加認證功能. 方便是變方便了, 但是會不會造成其它版權相關的問題. 值得觀察. 如果那個No digital rights management software is needed to download and read Amazon Shorts說的是真的的話.
不過, 對我而言, 個人目前比較喜歡一書在手的感覺就是了.如果這類的電子書有了更方便的閱讀與保存方式的話, 試試也是不錯.