HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

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HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

HTFB夏日特賣會開始了! 本次優惠項目如下: 1. 新書一律八折優惠 )平常是八五折) 八折新書只適用於已出版的作品;若是預購書除了九月要出版的可以納入優惠價外,其他pre-order則不適用 2.訂書滿$65,免M-bag運費 )含保險) 平常HTFB是滿$75才免運費,如果最近剛好有書要買,這個滿$65免費運送還挺划算的喔 ! 再次提醒各位: HTFB Summer Sale只到九月五日截止

Check Out前記得在Comments Section註明SUMMER DISCOUNT才能得到優惠喔!!

Last seen: 16 小時 57 分鐘 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:20
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

這......這實在是惡魔的誘惑啊 !我要趕緊來擬敗家船訂單了

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Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!


If you are an international customer, we offer free surface MBag shipping on:

a.. Orders over $75
b.. Credit card purchases only
c.. Available books shipped as a complete order

偶是挑剔的West Romance愛好者來自Formosa


Last seen: 14 年 4 個月 以前
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Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

哈囉cath: Long time no talk lah  蒐哩 忘了註明優惠資訊來自8/15/2005的HTFB Newsletter了,  妳上面的資訊是HTFB平常的shipping info - 滿$75免運費含免費保險;這回的$65免運費,仍然適用免費保險,非常划算喔!!

以下是HTFB newsletter有關本次Summer Sale的原始內容SUBJECT:SUMMER SAVINGS AT HTFBOOKS ! END OF SUMMER SPECIAL AT HTFBOOKS!! We are offering our readers the following discounts through September 5, 2005:

1. A 20% discount on all new books )as you know our standard discount is 15%). This offer applies to only books in stock )not pre-orders) but you will be able to order upcoming September releases until the 9/5/05 deadline! To view our recommended romance list, go to To see all of our new titles, click on NEW BOOKS in the top toolbar.

2. A better discount on shipping: If you are a domestic customer, we will pay the first $8 on any order over $60 sent via priority mail. In most cases this works out to free priority shipping!! If you are an international customer, we will pay your surface Mbag costs on all orders over $65 )this does include free insurance). Just type in �SUMMER DISCOUNTþin the COMMENTS SECTION at checkout. Your improved discount will be applied when your order is processed. You will also receive a email notification with a copy of costs. Because of the time limit, this offer is only offered to customers paying by credit card.

Last seen: 2 年 11 個月 以前
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Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

哈哈,謝謝維多那麼快就上來解惑~ 我正在為書單傷腦筋說!目前只湊到50美金左右,還在努力的想書單~

偶是挑剔的West Romance愛好者來自Formosa


Last seen: 14 年 4 個月 以前
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已加入: 2004-12-22 23:56
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

呵呵呵 cath不用客氣ㄚ!  而且妳問的是跟眾多敗家童鞋切身相關的好問題,當然要立刻上來回覆囉~

對了 鈕:我昨天po完後一個小時已經開出第一艘拜家船了... 請兩位敗家同好加油,繼續為國爭光啦!

Last seen: 14 年 4 個月 以前
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Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

剛剛重看了一下HTFB Newsletter, 發現有個地方我看錯了,所以解讀錯誤...

維多 寫道: If you are an international customer, we will pay your surface Mbag costs on all orders over $65 this DOES include free

請注意:括號裡的內容是:( this DOES include free insurance)我剛開始看成DOESN'T了^^b... 剛剛已經把相關留言都作出更正,但在這邊再次公告:這次的滿$65免M-bag運費優惠,HTFB仍然提供免費保險,童鞋不必煩惱要不要買保險的問題喔!!

p.s. cath:我的訂單昨天已經寄出來了!Sandi寄發的rcpt中所有新書八折優惠部分都列上去了,所以HTFB Summer Sale確定生效囉^^ Checkout 時一定要記得註明"SUMMER DISCOUNT"喔!!

Last seen: 9 年 5 個月 以前
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Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

首先謝謝教主的夏日折扣大餐. 早上問了HTFB Sandi一個問題,

剛得到Sandi 的 mail 回答, 想說來補充一下. 主要還是在新書的部份. 也許有同學跟我一樣不是很清楚.

HTFB的夏日折扣的第一點, 有寫到新書部份目前打八折. 假設同學這一次去敗的都是新書的部份的話,

HTFB網站上的 list price是八五折的報價. 也就是說如果同學想享有夏日折扣第二點滿65元美金免運費的優惠的話,

那您這次的order price 至少要超過 $65/0.95 = $68.42元, 這樣Sandi那邊折扣一打下來, 同學的訂單才有機會符合第二項優惠.

不過Sandi 回的信上是說, 只要超過68元就夠了. $68x0.95=$64.6 , 我想Sandi是直接四捨五入了.

那如果您新書的list price x 0.95後, 沒辦法達到美金65元的免運費標準的話, 那就多加幾本二手書補足囉..... 

祝大家買書順利, 閱讀愉快.

Last seen: 16 小時 57 分鐘 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:20
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!


[color=006666]This is just a fast note to talk about some website problems concerning new book ordering that we are experiencing at this time. Our distributor has notified us recently that a bug crept into their system and wreaked havoc. They had told us that this was fixed and not to expect problems. We�ve since found out differently.

Thanks to alerts from our customers, we think we can offer a temporary solution:.

1. Place your new book order as usual.- either by searching in NEW BOOKS, or by using our NEW ARRIVALS page.
2. Enter the checked books into the cart.
3. If you see a string of errors on the page, simply ignore them.
4. Type in any title that could not be entered into your cart in the COMMENTS SECTION at checkout. For some of you - your new books orders are huge. So you might want to send the page with checks on it or fax it to be at )425) 861-4784.

We are very sorry this happened but hope you understand that we had no control over this. We�re hoping that our distributor can get this cleared up quickly.

IN THE MEANTIME, we will be extending our SUMMER DISCOUNT SALE until 10/5/05 International customers can receive FREE SURFACE MBAG shipping on all orders over $65, and domestic customers can receive $8 off PRIORITY SHIPPING. Simply type in at checkout SUMMER DISCOUNT. Be sure to include this or your discount will not apply.

And, we have increased our discount on NEW BOOKS from 15% to 20%. If, for some reason, we cannot offer you a discounted price on a title, we will let you know immediately before processing your order.

We always welcome your comments, encouragement and problems you have had when buying from us. Simply email me at to let me know. [/color]


Last seen: 7 年 4 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-21 21:13
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

我也剛收到這封通知信,我想要 ducan's bride 的 hardover 已經很久了!

Last seen: 16 小時 57 分鐘 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-22 01:20
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

莉莎克萊佩十月新書是壁花系列的第二本,男主角是曾經出現在〔Worth Any Price〕(真愛無價)、以及〔Again The Magic〕(永遠的魔法)的Lord Westcliff, Marcus(中譯名我不知道)。
他在壁花系列第一本〔Secrets Of A Summer Night〕也有吃重的戲份,這一本新書則是他終於挑大樑主演,女主角則是遠渡重洋來英國找丈夫的美國姐妹花之中的麻辣姐姐,他們兩人在〔Secrets Of A Summer Night〕是相見兩相厭,我對於這一對如何激起愛的火花很是期待。

我的測試結果,是我很討厭的〔Secrets Of A Summer Night〕女主角Annabelle

Last seen: 7 年 4 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-21 21:13
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

謝謝!又多了一本書囉!我是這一型的壁花 Lillian Bowman。

Last seen: 2 週 4 天 以前
Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member版主Moderator網管 Webmaster
已加入: 2004-12-21 07:14

鈕釦 寫道:

我的測試結果,是我很討厭的〔Secrets Of A Summer Night〕女主角Annabelle [/quote]

[b]1. Given a choice, you would be most likely to...[/b]
跳舞跳整晚 Dance until dawn.
在圖書室休息 Relax in the library
)?)閃避親戚躲起來 Hide from my relatives.
到外頭散步 Go for a long walk.

[b]2. Your ideal hero is...[/b]
)?) Any peer will do.
浪漫的黑髮吉普賽人 Romantic dark-haired gypsy.
完美先生 Alpha all the way.
世上最具魅力的浪子The world's greatest seducer.

[b]3. If you were a flower, you would be...[/b]
經典紅玫瑰 A classic red rose.
純潔的雛菊 An innocent daisy.
感性的白百合 A sensuous white lily.
羞怯的紫羅蘭 A shy violet.

[b]4. Your favorite outfit would be...[/b]
舒適的家居服 A cozy at-home dress.
有層層薄紗的晚禮服 A ballgown with layers of tulle.
襯衫配長褲 A shirt and trousers.
高領杉配長裙 A high-necked blouse and a long skirt.

[b]5. Your main flaw is...[/b]
我只是有一點拜金 I'm just a little materialistic.
我容易惹麻煩上身 I get into trouble easily.
缺點?啥缺點? Flaw? What flaw?.
我很害羞 I'm rather shy.

[b]6. Your perfect home would be...[/b]
小小的鄉間小屋配上白色的柵欄 A little country cottage with a white picket fence.
梅菲爾大廈)類似天母豪宅吧= =) A big mansion in Mayfair.
漢普頓郡狩獵小屋 A Hampshire hunting lodge.
我與愛侶所在的任何地方 Anywhere, as long as I'm with someone I love.

[b]7. Your archenemy is...[/b]
我的愛好 My love interest.
八卦流言 The gossips.
我那詭計多端的婆婆 My scheming mother-in-law.
我那邪惡的堂表兄弟姐妹 My evil cousin.

[b]8. By nature you are a...[/b]
夢想家 Dreamer
保護者 Protector
領導者 Leader
協調者 Peacemaker

[b]9. )?)You would be most prone to saying...[/b]
)?)我討厭"這是為了我好" I hate things that are for my own good.
)?)我拒絕相信"我這一生沒有啥神奇的事會發生"I refuse to believe that I'll go through life without something magical happening.
)?)不幸的,我發現這春藥只能在我瞧不起的男人身上作用 Of all the luck. I've found an aphrodisiac that works only on a man whom I despise.
)?)若男人看到我的腿我會羞愧而死 I would die of embarrassment if a man ever saw my legs.

[b]10. Your favorite present would be...[/b]
詩集 A book of poetry.
香水 A bottle of perfume.
通往我上鎖臥房的鑰匙 The key to my locked bedroom.
大鑽戒 A big diamond ring.

[b]11. Your favorite animal is...[/b]
波斯貓 A Persian cat.
拉不拉多犬 A labrador.
阿拉伯馬 An Arabian horse.
鴿子 A dove.

[b]12. The best actress to portray you in a movie would be...[/b]
凱特哈德森 Kate Hudson.
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley.
莉絲威斯朋 Reese Witherspoon.
凱特溫絲蕾 Kate Winslet.


Last seen: 9 年 5 個月 以前
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已加入: 2004-12-21 18:20
Re: 莉莎筆下的壁花測驗~

也來玩一下, 第一次作答是跟Jessica一樣, 是那位秋天的壁花, 後來好奇心起, 想說那位夏天的壁花會不會是自己想的那些組合起就是, 果然, 12題的選擇, 只要走豪華路線的... 答案都是那位夏天的壁花, 作者給夏天壁花的建議, 害我笑得差點把茶給噴了出來, 作者說如果選到夏天的壁花, 基本上得找個經濟來源強而有力的老公, 會比較好一點..... 8-|

自不量力的我來猜猜CC打問號的地方, 如果猜測錯誤, 請各方高手見諒以及不吝訂正囉....

)?)閃避親戚躲起來 Hide from my relatives
:arr: 看到認識的傢伙的話, 一句話 "閃人"

)?) Any peer will do.
:arr: 只要是貴族出身的傢伙都是我的ideal hero

9. )?)You would be most prone to saying...
:arr: 下列四句話當中, 妳覺得哪一句話會讓妳常掛在嘴邊?

)?)我討厭"這是為了我好" I hate things that are for my own good.
:arr: 我討厭那些凡事只為自己利益著想的事情.

其它都很謝謝CC的翻譯囉, 省了我很多查字典的功夫....

不過作者的第十題的第三個選項, 讓我想了比較久, 為什麼一隻鑰匙會是禮物的選項, 後來就想, 可能是指不動產, 不知道是不是這樣的意思?

第十二題的四個女星, 我本來對名字沒啥概念, 除了第四個. 查了一下. 給大家參考囉.
第一個是歌蒂韓的女兒, 聽說比較有名的代表作是絕配冤家.
第二個就是之前離題大王同學介紹的2005 新傲慢與偏見電影版的女主角
第四個大家應該更熟, 鐵達尼號的女主角.

啊.. 想當然耳, 我對新達西先生的口水量, 就足以讓我抛開一切選擇二號小姐囉.... 8-)

Last seen: 11 年 9 個月 以前
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已加入: 2005-01-06 22:26
Re: 莉莎筆下的壁花測驗~


我是要做Disco Queen的那種啦!


Last seen: 7 年 4 個月 以前
已加入: 2004-12-21 21:13
Re: 莉莎筆下的壁花測驗~


Last seen: 2 年 11 個月 以前
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已加入: 2004-12-21 10:35
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

對這次HTFB的service很失望,以幽鬱的顏色代表我現在的心情~ 我在8/17當天就已經訂好書,但是一直沒收到order confirmatin,所以寫了兩次e-mail給SANDI到今日仍然毫無回音,今天上HTFBT查我ORDER的書籍,已經有幾本已不在架上,所以又發一次E-MAIL要CANCEL ORDER,實在超鬱卒,本來滿心喜悅的要敗家說

偶是挑剔的West Romance愛好者來自Formosa


Last seen: 11 年 9 個月 以前
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已加入: 2005-01-06 22:26
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

Dear Cath,要有耐心,HTFB一般寄送時間,(因為是船運)要1~3個月,超過3個月還沒收到,才是有問題,可以寫信請Sandy查查,如果HTFB通知書已經寄出了,這時取消order的話不知會不會要負擔送回的運費,要看看運費說明ㄡ!


Last seen: 9 年 5 個月 以前
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已加入: 2004-12-21 18:20
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

Dear cath,
建議您再發一次詢問email, 標題順便附上您八月17日的訂單號碼. 因為有時email沒人回, 有可能對方沒收到信, 或者是對方有事外出了,所以沒能即時看到信.或者對方有回, 可是卻被台灣信箱系統把信弄丟了或者歸類到垃圾信去了.
我先前曾在二家書店)HTFB和ARH)有過類似的經驗, 不過, 原因都是因為老闆有事, 沒能馬上回信. 還記得那時SANDI是私事, 所以隔沒幾天, 她就回信了. 而ARH的老闆, 則是隔了比較久才回信, 如果沒記錯, 大概隔了一個月才回信的. 因為老闆說她去別的地方補充她店裏的庫存書了.


Last seen: 11 年 9 個月 以前
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已加入: 2005-01-06 22:26
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!

Dear Cath 歹勢啦! 這幾天猛K小說,老眼昏花,沒看清楚您是連order confirmation都還沒收到,幸好有DYDS同學提醒 :-? 這樣的話,建議還是要發信去追,書未寄出前HTFB是不會charge費用的,如果放棄之前的訂單滿可惜的,何況現在還在折扣期間,可以用FAX試試,我想Sandi不只是一個人,當班負責信件的職員都是sandi,不可能那麼久不回消息的。又: 在HTFB網站的右上角有個chat應該可以即時通訊,但要算好美國時間才會有人吧!希望一切順利 ~


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已加入: 2004-12-21 10:35
Re: HTFB Summer Sale - 即日起至9/5/2005止!


偶是挑剔的West Romance愛好者來自Formosa