Shelly 發表時間: 2003/8/31 2:09:36 AM
I have just been to your web page about Judith McNaught, for Whitney, My love, she add a new ending to the 2000 edition, the old edition was 536 pages, and the new edition is 708 pages. She also introduce more background about Stephen hero of "Until you", including his first love, a woman who marry someone else because her father order her to. So for those of you who really love this book and "Until you" can consider getting the new edition of Whitney, my love.
阿如~~~ 發表時間: 2003/8/31 6:11:16 PM
為什麼中文版沒有加長版呢 ?
cathy 發表時間: 2003/8/31 7:00:14 PM
看到這篇留言 特地跑到amazon上面查看 看到有讀者的評健說到 ......The hard cover is great because it picks up a little of what was left off of the paperback. And it just continues to add to the story. The paperback edition ends a little abruptly, so the hardcover takes care of the loose ends that you might feel. It's also great b/c other books were spun off from this one that I thoroughly enjoyed as well.
Shelly 發表時間: 2003/8/31 9:06:47 PM
Actually, do not need to get hard cover to read the new ending to Whitney, My Love. My new edition of WML is in paper back, and I got it at Cave bookstore.
維多 發表時間: 2003/9/8 11:23:57 AM
感謝 Shelly 的資訊,誰想到JM竟然會來改寫這一招??當天一看到Shelly的留言下班馬上衝到敦煌去把書買回來了,趁著週末開始看了一下,比較明顯的改變自然是結局的部分,但目前的進度只讓我看到Whitney跟Clayton在家吃飯下棋那段,所以沒辦法跟童鞋講啥所以然...
I have just been to your web page about Judith McNaught, for Whitney, My love, she add a new ending to the 2000 edition, the old edition was 536 pages, and the new edition is 708 pages. She also introduce more background about Stephen hero of "Until you", including his first love, a woman who marry someone else because her father order her to. So for those of you who really love this book and "Until you" can consider getting the new edition of Whitney, my love.
阿如~~~ 發表時間: 2003/8/31 6:11:16 PM
為什麼中文版沒有加長版呢 ?
cathy 發表時間: 2003/8/31 7:00:14 PM
看到這篇留言 特地跑到amazon上面查看 看到有讀者的評健說到 ......The hard cover is great because it picks up a little of what was left off of the paperback. And it just continues to add to the story. The paperback edition ends a little abruptly, so the hardcover takes care of the loose ends that you might feel. It's also great b/c other books were spun off from this one that I thoroughly enjoyed as well.
恩恩恩 hardcover素不素有更多的內容?
Shelly 發表時間: 2003/8/31 9:06:47 PM
Actually, do not need to get hard cover to read the new ending to Whitney, My Love. My new edition of WML is in paper back, and I got it at Cave bookstore.
維多 發表時間: 2003/9/8 11:23:57 AM
感謝 Shelly 的資訊,誰想到JM竟然會來改寫這一招??當天一看到Shelly的留言下班馬上衝到敦煌去把書買回來了,趁著週末開始看了一下,比較明顯的改變自然是結局的部分,但目前的進度只讓我看到Whitney跟Clayton在家吃飯下棋那段,所以沒辦法跟童鞋講啥所以然...
但是喜愛慧妮吾愛的童鞋一定對Whitney使計讓克雷(?忘了中文翻譯是不是這個了???)騎上了那匹難馴的種馬,後來招了一頓好打印象深刻,JM在新版中將歐美讀者頗為詬病的這個橋段改寫了一下,我個人對克雷原本盛怒之下打了慧妮6鞭屁股是沒啥意見,因為連我自己都想打她,但歐美女權較盛的讀者一直對這種安排頗不以為然,覺得太過沙豬,所以新版的WML中克雷在那段的言語/內容有小修了一下,原本的"riding" my knee...那類雙關字眼直接拿掉,而且克雷是因Whitney死不認錯,氣急之下不自覺揚起鞭子,一發現去'掃'到慧妮的小屁屁,馬上就把短鞭丟掉趕快把慧妮抱起來秀秀,延續原始版本的劇情....
我是覺得兩個版本都不錯,當然初版的寫法,克雷蓄意打了慧妮6鞭讓人見識到他賞罰分明的一面(或是該說豬頭的一面??),但新版中則讓人雖見識到了克雷的脾氣但卻可感覺得到克雷的慧妮的疼惜!!而且把打屁股這段淡化成無意中的一撇,要把這段打人的畫面完全拿掉是不可能的啦 沒了這段,克雷哪來機會讓慧妮坐在膝上,還有接下來的溪邊激吻愛撫呢???呵呵呵
JM這本WML我看了好一段時間,所以只能從記憶中的劇情跟新版相比對,新版慧妮還有啥更動就交給進度超前的童鞋啦^_^(尤其是JM同好小可助教...別躲了.... 該妳嗆聲了 :)