由 Brina 在 發表

Will Darling came back from the Great War with a few scars, a lot of medals, and no idea what to do next. Inheriting his uncle’s chaotic second-hand bookshop is a blessing...until strange visitors start making threats. First a criminal gang, then the War Office, both telling Will to give them the information they want, or else.
Will has no idea what that information is, and nobody to turn to, until Kim Secretan—charming, cultured, oddly attractive—steps in to offer help. As Kim and Will try to find answers and outrun trouble, mutual desire grows along with the danger.
And then Will discovers the truth about Kim. His identity, his past, his real intentions. Enraged and betrayed, Will never wants to see him again.
But Will possesses knowledge that could cost thousands of lives. Enemies are closing in on him from all sides—and Kim is the only man who can help.
rosielmp4 replied on 固定網址
Re: Slippery Creatures
keyword: 強強、英國、間諜
這是 The Will Darling Adventures 三部曲的第一本,看完已期待下面兩集。
Will Darling就是本書主角,這本基本上是以他的視角為主,in case you're wondering, 他是攻XD 系列設定在1920年代左右,已經有些現代化的東西出現了。
Kim一開始隱瞞貴族身份並佯裝無意間與他相遇,跟他聊天、聽他訴苦,沒什麼朋友的Will很快就喜歡他,沒想到隨著劇情的轉折,Kim隱瞞他的秘密開始一一爆出,像是他的貴族身份、還是個有不好名聲的貴族(而且有未婚妻!),接著又發現Kim秘密在幫折磨他的其中一派人馬——陸軍部(War Office)工作,好不容易克服這一切,再加上Kim單槍匹馬救出被綁架的Will,Will於是對他託付信任與感激之情,卻又,再次遭到了背叛...。
還有Will提到他私下託朋友把情報當掉,再把當票交給他的時候,我立刻就想到當票再哪裡了XD 很多小細節都設計得蠻有巧思的,像是情報的正確位置,還有滿意思的。