由 鈕釦 在 發表
Daniel Mackenzie lives up to the reputation of the scandalous Mackenzie family—he has wealth, looks, and talent, and women love him. When he meets Violet Bastien—one of the most famous spiritual mediums in England—he immediately knows two things: that Miss Bastien is a fraud, and that he’s wildly attracted to her.
Violet knows she can’t really contact the other side, but she’s excellent at reading people. She discerns quickly that Daniel is intelligent and dangerous to her reputation, but she also finds him generous, handsome, and outrageously wicked. But spectres from Violet’s past threaten to destroy her, and she flees England, adopting yet another identity.
Daniel is determined to find the elusive Violet and pursue the passion he feels for her. And though Violet knows that her scandalous past will keep her from proper marriage, her attraction to Daniel is irresistible. It’s not until Daniel is the only one she can turn to that he proves he believes in something more than cold facts. He believes in love.
Series: Mackenzies Series (Book 6)
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Berkley (October 1, 2013)
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie
其實這個故事的情節有點不討好,因為我前不久才看過Courtney Milan 的《Proof by Seduction》,情節剛好有點重復。女主角都是以算命為生的騙子,男主角剛開始的初衷都是想揭穿她的騙局。 好在Jennifer Ashley的兩個主角實在出色,不然我肯定看一半就放棄了。
男主角Daniel在麥家系列前幾本都有過介紹,母親早死,算是幾個叔叔一起把他養大,他跟Ian的關系算是最近,兩個都熱愛高科技,Daniel既受過高等教育又生在有錢人家,具備了鉆研科技的物質條件,而Violet對科技的熱愛則是用來設計了一些機械裝置,通過巧妙的設定來讓這些機械裝置為她的“工作”服務。因著兩人的共同愛好,和Daniel想知道為什麽Violet要以騙人來謀生(富家子弟真是“何不食肉糜”啊),故事一點一點展開。不知道書名為何是Wicked Deeds?看完全書,仍不得其解。