Two Men Are One Too Many . . .
Tara has a thousand good reasons not to return to the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington. Yet with her life doing a major crash-and-burn, anywhere away from her unfulfilled dreams and sexy ex-husband will do. As Tara helps her two sisters get their newly renovated inn up and running, she finally has a chance to get things under control and come up with a new plan for her life.
But a certain tanned, green-eyed sailor has his own ideas, such as keeping Tara hot, bothered . . . and in his bed. And when her ex wants Tara back, three is a crowd she can't control-especially when her deepest secret reappears out of the blue. Now Tara must confront her past and discover what she really wants. If she's lucky, she might just find that everything her heart desires is right here in Lucky Harbor.
cfeco replied on 固定網址
Re: The Sweetest Thing
由於果樹不肯出接下來續集."蔡英文"的我只好硬著頭皮上了.大姊黛娜.由於17年前與費特所犯下的"錯誤"(她心裡認為)一直耿耿於懷後來兩人分道揚標.各自往自己的人生目標邁進.表面上好像都認為自己過得還不錯.但在內心的小角落裡埋藏17歲時的陰影&火花.母親留給他們姊妹的旅館在第一集裡毀於大火.這本書裡準備重新開張. 有趣的是這本書裡每一章節開頭換成大姊自己的人生格言.跟菲碧產生明顯得對比.而小鎮居民婆媽的居中牽線.也很有笑點.而前夫也在此時出現要求復合.另一個是難以忘懷的舊情人.兩個男人讓她焦頭爛額.再出現一個17年前出養的女兒前來尋找生父母.戴娜人生哲學全亂了套..年輕時所犯的過錯一定是個錯誤嗎?有沒可能在未來的人生裡發現其實當初並沒錯的那麼離譜?作者文筆幽默風趣.(雖說我得努力查字典還跟我兒子借)人生的課題向來不是非黑即白!