I went to a Scottish Festival this past weekend, saw a lot of kilts, and even leared a bit Gaelic phrases.
My infatuation with highlanders started with the novel, Outlander. It may sound crazy, but I have been thinking of taking an "Outlander" tour, just to look for Jamie and Claire, who are the main characters in the book, in Scotland. I want to see the highland heathers and stones they may have stepped on... The first book of Outlander series appeared in 1991, but it didn't reach me until much later. Wow the book certainly opened me up to a period of Scottish history which I would have never paid attention to before! Welcome to the Outlander club!
啊 Andy Whitfield! 我看了好幾集的 Spartacus: 一羣 gladiators 相互撕殺, 血花四濺, 看到後來, 我心神十分不寧, 就停看了. (By the way, 現在在看的 True Blood 第三季, 我好像也開始坐立不安... In spite of pumping more blood, characters' lines were not as nicely delivered as the ones in previous seasons.)
這是 Gabriel Aubry, 他的髮色可能是在 Photoshop 裡變紅了, 以便符合"Red Jamie" 的形象. But Gabriel Aubry is a model, not an actor. 而且也不夠壯 (Jamie is warrior-like.) 但 Gabriel Aubry 的 臉有一種 Jamie's charm and mirth. 呵呵!
我的 Outlander tour 還沒成形耶! 唉... 缺少銀兩. 我去的是加拿大這裡的 Scottish Festival (link --> http://www.fergusscottishfestival.com/) Fergus, Ontario 這個小城住了大批蘇格蘭移民的後代, 仍保有許多蘇格蘭文化. Festival 那幾天, 許多男士都穿著蘇格蘭裙, 突顯他們 Whiskey 喝多了的體態. 沒有看到任何 Jamie.
謝謝鈕釦站長找出的舊討論文,也謝謝PetraMolly同學非常詳盡的說明,有空時我會去找出原文來看,因為目前似乎不見有中文版本,況且依照PetraMolly 同學的說法,原著中又有英文、又有法文、又有蓋爾語等等,要翻得好恐怕很有難度吧。
I went to a Scottish Festival this past weekend, saw a lot of kilts, and even leared a bit Gaelic phrases.
My infatuation with highlanders started with the novel, Outlander. It may sound crazy, but I have been thinking of taking an "Outlander" tour, just to look for Jamie and Claire, who are the main characters in the book, in Scotland. I want to see the highland heathers and stones they may have stepped on... The first book of Outlander series appeared in 1991, but it didn't reach me until much later. Wow the book certainly opened me up to a period of Scottish history which I would have never paid attention to before! Welcome to the Outlander club!
我覺得這聽起來不瘋狂啊,就算沒有Outlander,蘇格蘭高地也是非常值得一遊的地方,況且既然魔戒電影可以提高紐西蘭的觀光產值,Outlander當然也可以帶動蘇格蘭高地的觀光,前題是如果英國政府的旅遊文創部門有注意到這件事的話。不過也很好奇你的蘇格蘭高地之旅真的見到符合Jamie和Claire形象的高地人嗎?最近網路上Jamie的選角大熱門之中,有這一位Andy Whitfield,雖然年紀是比書中設定的23-24歲左右大了一些,不知PetraMolly同學覺得如何?
啊 Andy Whitfield! 我看了好幾集的 Spartacus: 一羣 gladiators 相互撕殺, 血花四濺, 看到後來, 我心神十分不寧, 就停看了. (By the way, 現在在看的 True Blood 第三季, 我好像也開始坐立不安... In spite of pumping more blood, characters' lines were not as nicely delivered as the ones in previous seasons.)
其實, 對於選角, 我是又愛又怕, 心情很複雜啊! 之前, 我有提供一位書迷提供的 link
這是 Gabriel Aubry, 他的髮色可能是在 Photoshop 裡變紅了, 以便符合"Red Jamie" 的形象. But Gabriel Aubry is a model, not an actor. 而且也不夠壯 (Jamie is warrior-like.) 但 Gabriel Aubry 的 臉有一種 Jamie's charm and mirth. 呵呵!
我的 Outlander tour 還沒成形耶! 唉... 缺少銀兩. 我去的是加拿大這裡的 Scottish Festival (link --> http://www.fergusscottishfestival.com/) Fergus, Ontario 這個小城住了大批蘇格蘭移民的後代, 仍保有許多蘇格蘭文化. Festival 那幾天, 許多男士都穿著蘇格蘭裙, 突顯他們 Whiskey 喝多了的體態. 沒有看到任何 Jamie.
Spartacus對我來說沒問題,S1全看完了,可能因為以前看了很多暴力美學的電影, 但是True Blood我也是在S3開始看不下去了,因為實在不想再看到吸血鬼+狼人這樣的組合了。Andy Whitfield在網路上被評論為有臉孔又有身材可以演Outlander(這樣的評語怎麼看起來像在形容花瓶……),不過看了Spartacus之後可以確信他還是有演技的啦。