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克勞黛‧史賓賽離婚之後,依然從事珠寶設計的工作,這是她前夫詹尼斯所經營的行業,而克勞黛更使其業務蒸蒸日上。 這時有位名叫雷克‧摩根的,駕著馬車衝進她的生活中。他們兩個人就像是乾柴烈火一般,互相吸引著,但是兩人都有一段難堪的愛情傷痕。
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克勞黛‧史賓賽離婚之後,依然從事珠寶設計的工作,這是她前夫詹尼斯所經營的行業,而克勞黛更使其業務蒸蒸日上。 這時有位名叫雷克‧摩根的,駕著馬車衝進她的生活中。他們兩個人就像是乾柴烈火一般,互相吸引著,但是兩人都有一段難堪的愛情傷痕。
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Casey Adams worked her way up from a chambermaid to become Boston's most fashionable caterer. But she faced the greatest challenge of her career when virile Matt Stoner made a bet with a foreign industrialist, then hired Casey to win it.
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Would he misconstrue her love as pity?
Angela Hart's love for Enrique de Zaldo was only intensified by the tragedy of his blindness. She had loved him all her life.
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莉莎今年二十歲,是島上巴拉斯大飯店老闆 ----- 格里斯的未婚妻,同時也是該飯店的長期駐唱歌星。 她和格里斯是青梅竹馬的情侶,由於周遭的人都很愛護她,因此她每天都過著愉快的生活,仿佛不識人間愁滋味的天之驕女。
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"In many respects the desert is like a woman. Anything might crop up in the desert, as in a relationship with a woman But a man can enjoy the desert without getting involved emotionally." Duane Hunter's words made it quite plain to Roslyn Brant that there was no future for her in his life.
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Skye Anderson knew about love -- its pain and aching loss. As executive secretary at the Hayes Corporation, she had found safety in a cocoon of hard-working days and lonely nights.
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"You're too naive. Don't trust David."
James's tawny eyes glinted in the light of the candle on the table between them. In spite of his warning, Marina knew that he was far more dangerous than her friend David.
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泰莎的姊姊洛茜達是位美若天仙的可人兒,由於她的存在,使得泰莎這一生仿佛永遠與美好事物絕緣。 自小她就是姊姊的代罪羔羊,及長,連她所愛慕的男人也為洛茜達所奪......。
為要斬斷那叫人痛不欲生的情絲,泰莎毅然離家出走,在外面流浪了兩年。 然而就在她重返家門時,卻又聽到保羅為洛茜達所棄,並且在一場車禍中,保羅為了搶救姊姊而受到嚴重的灼傷,甚至連雙目也失明了。
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Had Ricki O'Neill been impulsive, allowing her wandering Irish spirit to take her to Spain alone? Why, too, should Don Arturo de Cazalet be looking for a physicotherapist at just that time?