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Chubby Melissa daydreams about high school football hero Greg, but Greg only dates cheerleaders.
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由 mayu 在 發表
Chubby Melissa daydreams about high school football hero Greg, but Greg only dates cheerleaders.
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Denne Drake's older sister Alicia had everything.She was beautiful , popular , and talented.
Denne could never measure up. How can she compete with glamorous
Alicia for the most perfect boy in the world.
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Elinor should have been enjoying every minute of her sea voyage and the prospect of her new life in Australia. All she could think of however, was how much she loved Kit Anderson, who, unfortunately, regarded her as a stupid little nuisance.
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After years of estrangement, Miranda had been dubious about accepting the invitation of her French grandmother to visit her at her home in Provence, and she set out rather reluctantly.
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It began innocently enough. A ski weekend in the Adirondacks. But when the blizzard began and the tour bus was forced to stop at a wayside motel for a snowbound weekend, it became something else again.
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He was actually trying to bribe her!
Liam Sherrard really believed that Carly was after his aunt's money. She was incensed when he even offered to recompense her if she'd refuse the old lady's invitation to visit their chateau in Brittany!
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Kate Gibson knew that when she took over the job of factory doctor it would be difficult to persuade the men to accept a woman. She certainly hadn't expected to have the same trouble with Joshua Howard, the forceful head of the company.
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一個年輕女孩懷著滿心的憧憬來到遙遠的亞馬遜河流域,在那裏,她說面對的不僅是充滿原始色彩的熱帶叢林景觀,還有一片急待她起衰振頹的產業 ----- 綠色樂園旅館,而最令她心慌意亂的該是旅館舊主人卡羅斯吧! 因為這個高大瀟灑的男人已經有了親密的女友,卻還對她似有情若無意。
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人的一生有甘有苦,妲妮雅的童年、少年在飄零、孤寂中度過。 有人在風雨中沉溺,有人在逆境中站起來。 妲妮雅屬於後者;她在孤寂中學會自處在困境中鍛煉自己。 或許命運之神同情她的遭遇,在她的人生中安插一位理查特,雖然經歷一番折磨,卻也苦盡甘來。 這片浮萍總算尋到落根處。
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"Deny that you want me," Greg demanded. "Just try and deny it..."
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Deb was devastated when she heard the news... A move from a small town to a big city can certainly change a person's life, especially when you're sixteen and don't like the idea. Soon she found that there was more to it than just changing schools and adapting to a new environment.