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Since the day years ago when Diana's romantic dreams were destroyed forever, the proud beauty has lived and fought to keep the family winery. Now her flirtatious sister plans to marry James Stuart, the iron-willed businessman who alone can solve their financial woes.
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Carlo Benoni wasn't exactly handsome. He was magnificent! Alexis Dimitroff could hardly believe her good fortune. Her ex-husband had claimed she couldn't even survive on her own, and here she was arranging a tour for this devastating man, a world-famous opera singer.
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By day, dark-haired engineer Cait Monahan was the only woman for the job--troubleshooting a behind-schedule pipeline in Argentina. By night, she was a woman alone, tormented by dreams of her husband''s tragic death.
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Emerald-eyed Maggie Devlin was willing to tell the world what she thought of George MacDonagh. She even quit her job with Limelight magazine rather than tone down her article criticizing the brilliant film director for selling out.
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「珍妮芙,妳為何還抗拒我?」史蒂夫生氣大叫。 「妳依舊在逃避舊創傷。我這輩子都不會瞭解,妳究竟在怕什麼?我想,尤其是今早以後......」 他是想以他們共享過的那一剎那美妙時刻來作餌,引誘她落入他一首設計好的圈套中?「我不明白你要什麼。」她靜靜地說。「當然除了性以外。或許那就是你所要的全部。」 「這不就是妳想要的嗎?」他粗魯地將她拉過來,俯身緊緊貼住她的唇,舌頭不停地刺探、糾纏。她仰著頭,不自覺地回應他的熱情。霎時,她憶起他倆瘋狂甜蜜的那一夜。 「想想看,珍妮芙。」他的語氣冷冷的。「妳要記住一點,直到妳知道所想要的是什麼,妳才會獲得它。」
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傑克‧威爾褒回來了!從他步出馬車的那一刻起,喬安娜夫人就心煩意亂,而他卻極力想隱瞞他在威靈頓旗下作戰受傷的事。 多年前,喬安娜遵守父親的話嫁給格拉得爵士,而沒有和他弟弟傑克私奔,現在,她是個寡婦──但傑克眼中的痛楚與言詞的銳利,時時刺傷著她緊守的那份秘密願望。這個她熟知而且永生深愛的男人......竟是個冷酷的陌生人。
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Dirk Chandler was a man like no other-the "invincible" leader of their expedition into the mysterious Amazon...and a breaker of women's hearts.
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Once passions flared high between rugged rodeo rider Jesse Franklin and dewy-eyed Marlene Whitney. He formed the center of her existence, and everyone knew her as "Jesse's Girl."Years later Marlene, now a sophisticated magazine reporter, returns to profile Jesse's Texas ranch...
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Ivan Akira, a striking Eurasian industrialist, had all the arrogance of his samurai ancestors -- and his own disdain for working women.He infuriates Rea Harley. She needs his sponsorship to rebuild the career her ex-husband destroyed...
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Aglow with the success of her one-woman show, free-lance photographer Terry Rovik jumps at a new assignment--a book on the natural wonders of America's heartland. But there's a drawback...
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珍妮的恤衫黏在她的肌膚上,將她的胸部襯托得異常明顯。隆司朝她走過來,她動也不動;他把手搭在她的肩上開始吻她。她沒有將他推開,反倒伸出手臂環抱著 他,使得彼此更加貼近。透過恤衫,她可以感覺到他袒露的胸膛傳來的體溫。兩唇相印時,她仿佛被征服了。他緊摟著她,吻著她的雙頰、眼簾、頸子,一面低語: 「妳真美,珍妮......」