What the Lady Wants
由 lynn.romance 在 發表
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If he's Cary Grant, where's his Girl Friday?
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由 lynn.romance 在 發表
If he's Cary Grant, where's his Girl Friday?
由 鈕釦 在 發表
Harlequin Blaze # 47
A Whisper in the night...
Lawyer Genna Monroe doesn't mean to eavesdrop on a private romantic liaison one sultry night in New Orleans. When she hears the man's sexy whisper, though, she feels as if he's seducing her. Now she can't get his voice out of her mind and just thinking of him isn't enough. She has to have his body, too...
由 鈕釦 在 發表
Harlequin Blaze, # 85
He's going to love her, chapter by chapter