
共有 42832 筆資料,目前是 39491 - 39500 筆
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #823
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
He had loved her then deserted her. Zoe Stroud had been completely shattered when Rory Ormond walked out of her life. Now she had a chance to repay some of the pain he'd caused her -- and prevent him from hurting someone else, too. As a successful London businesswoman, she felt she was strong enou...
譯者: 丁文
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #822(1988-08-04 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
莉絲17歲的生命因為初遇肯恩而綻放愛情的花朵,她愛他迷人的歌聲,崇拜他耀眼的舞台形象。然而,在某個深夜的對話,去殘酷粉碎的她的美夢。她頑固的認為白馬王子死了。肯恩是其友奪愛,導致表哥的死亡。 當地首富的獨子死亡,18歲的她居然是首富兒子遺棄的私生女。她搖身一變,成為富家千金伊莉莎白。(略) 她愛肯恩,卻也恨肯恩,兩人重逢後,誤會和激情從未休止過,到底他們該何去何從?  
譯者: 林森
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #821
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
莎拉進退維谷了,才從一個受制於人的婚約中解脫出來,又陷入另一個錯誤中。她只想要一個真正的家,而賓也想要個家嗎?    莎拉在決定和她的未婚夫裘利安分手的時候, 遇見了她室友的哥哥, 賓‧哈佛倫。 賓在初次見面就向莎拉求婚, 他提出來的條件是幫莎拉開一家服裝店, 並且不會給她任何的束縛, 莎拉在剛剛面臨感情的挫折中, 會不會為了尋求避風港而嫁給賓呢? 而賓在第一次見面就要莎拉嫁給她, 是要幫他解決有燃眉之急的問題? 還是這個女人讓他一見鐘情?
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #820(1988-07-28 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
她從不說不, 連要犧牲耶誕假期陪老闆出差都難以拒絕, 當身在雲霄而突遇暴風時, 一切情況已超脫常軌… UP, UP AND AWAY... Audrey Nelson had heard the words "We knew we could count on you" too many times. She was known as a good sport, but to her that meant she was just a wimp! Canceling her vacation to cover a hot-air balloon festival was the ab...
平均:3 (1 vote)
譯者: 陳如玲
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #819
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
海倫到西西里島, 和卡洛重逢, 才明白兩年前卡洛追求她的意圖, 竟然…… His plan had worked--she couldn't leave! Helen Coulthard arrived in Sicily prepared for a work-filled two weeks. It was only when her "boss" deposited her at Carlo Manzitti's villa that she realized her plight. Carlo Manzitti--the man who'd swept...
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #818
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
He offered her marriage--but only in name Inheriting a small cottage near London had allowed Claire Richards to achieve independence for herself and her young daughter, Lucy. So when Jay Fraser accused her of encouraging Lucy's friendship with his own motherless daughter just to trap him into m...
譯者: 王薩玲
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #817(1988-07-28 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
卡爾花了兩年的時間找到失去記憶的艾德莉亞, 告訴她她是他的弟媳-莉莎, 於是她回到聖艾米里亞, 不知道該嫁給卡爾, 還是完全拋棄過去.....   How could she love him? They'd never met! When Adria Morris had been mugged at Victoria Station, she'd lost more than her purse. The bump she'd received had wiped out her past. And it had taken two years f...
譯者: 高秀玲
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #816(1988-07-28 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
才氣縱橫的婕黛精通攝影、擅長寫作,背著相機風塵僕僕地在世界各地獵取珍貴鏡頭是她的工作,也是她的全部生活。她沒有永久的住址,她是每個地方的過客,她關心世界卻從來不關心自己的安危。 一篇專訪使她遇到了能夠馴服叢林之王的馴獸師拉塞爾。他們一樣固執,一樣對工作充滿狂熱,數日的相處已使愛苗在心中滋長。但是婕黛不肯承認,她拼命逃避,她視婚姻為枷鎖,她嚮往海闊天空的自由,雖然自由的代價是無盡的空虛、孤獨.................. 拍片時一向溫馴的老虎「摩那哥」意外受到驚嚇,轉身欲逃,身無寸鐵的拉塞爾竟然赤手空拳地拉住老虎頸項的鍊子,他的命在旦夕了......................
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #815(1988-07-28 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
安妮‧詹姆森從沒指望再和凱斯‧拉摩特相見,所以當他再次出現眼前,她不禁大吃一驚。過去所發生的事,毀滅了他們稚嫩的感情,而六年後的今天,安妮終究拂不去過去的一切。凱斯不是她計畫中的一部分,但畢竟他們擁有太多的回憶............ 自從凱斯和安妮重逢,他就知道他來找她是做對了..............  
出版社: 駿馬-羅曼史集 #814(1988-07-14 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She lived with the burden of guilt After the collapse of her brief marriage to novelist Brett Britain, Janey had worked hard to rebuild her life. What sustained her now was her successful career as a London journalist and the love she felt for her son, Will--a son Brett didn't even know he had. Ja...
