
共有 42889 筆資料,目前是 41821 - 41830 筆
書封作者: 凱思琳‧伊歌, 桑德拉‧季特, 露絲琴‧戴兒
譯者: 林亦容, 沈家琪, 黃月娟
出版社: 禾林-愛之船 #11(1994-01-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
分享分手情 The Sharing Spoon 一個年輕力壯的男人,怎麼會厚臉皮地參加感恩節的佈施餐會? 鮑心雅來到深具印地安原住民特色的全國小學任教,深具藝術修養的她初執教鞭,只為撫平離婚所帶來的傷痛,讓生命更有意義。 她遇見印地安蘇族的薛凱爾,並訝異地發現當地人無論貧富貴賤、青壯老弱,都幽默地實踐『分享』的真正意義。 而凱爾,當然也一步步地分享了她的生命 黑白訴真情 Love Is Thanks Enough 真心相愛的異族男女,終將敵不過世俗冷暖的眼光,被迫走向分手的命運? 白人律師何艾凡費了好大的心力,才讓黑人才女莫薇妮坦然接受他的感情,兩人並同心協力...
書封作者: 黛克絲‧布朗寧, 凱特‧倫敦, 珮柏‧艾黛絲
譯者: 劉淑芬, 林文心, 彭惠君
出版社: 禾林-愛之船 #12(1994-11-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
撒網有情天 Grace And The Law 漁婦哪懂照顧孤兒?律師黎雷蒙對葛莉絲的認定,正由是如此。 他的好友意外喪生,遺留下的獨子由他安排生活,她是小孩唯一的親人,他卻不願將小孩交給她照顧,即使在多年前,他曾為她痴迷。莉絲知道,必須要證明她的母性特質,才能順利取得小孩的監護權,他看到的,卻是她的女性特質... 速成丈夫 Lightfoot And Loving 由於現實狀況的需要,駱蘇珊必須立刻擁有一個先生,問題是,她總不能在街上隨意吊人膀子吧 ! 賴摩根是她的兒時玩伴,雖然她對他的回憶只有[討厭]兩字,但舊識總比不認識的好,尤其是現在的她,好像已不再那麼討厭了。...
平均:4.5 (2 人灑葉)
書封作者: 克莉斯汀‧菲翰
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Leisure Books
系列書: Dark Series #1.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 2
**系列說明:Dark Series, Book # 1 ** Number of Pages: 464 pages Publisher: Leisure Books Release Date: April 1, 2005 ISBN: 0843955287   He came to her in the night, a predator -- strength and power chiseled his features. The seduction was deep and elemental; he affected her soul. His n...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
書封作者: 克莉斯汀‧菲翰
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley: Jove Books
系列書: GhostWalker Series #1.0
文類: 超自然羅曼史
評鑑: 2
**系列說明: GhostWalker Series, Book # 1 ** The classified experiment is the brainchild of renowned scientist Peter Whitney and his brilliant daughter, Lily. Created to enhance the psychic abilities of an elite squadron, it can transform their natural mental powers into a unique military weapon. Bu...
平均:5 (1 vote)
書封作者: 克莉斯汀‧菲翰
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley: Jove Books
系列書: GhostWalker Series #2.0
文類: 超自然羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: GhostWalkers Series, Book # 2 ** Possessed of an extraordinary telekinetic gift, Dahlia Le Blanc has spent her life isolated from other people. And just when she thinks she’s finally achieved some semblance of peace, her well-orchestrated world comes crashing down... For a reason s...
平均:5 (1 vote)
書封作者: 克莉斯汀‧菲翰
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Love Spell
評鑑: 1
Note: The SCARLETTI CURSE in NOT part of the dark series but a descendent of the couple in that book is the lifemate in DARK SYMPHONY Type:Gothic (1500s Italy) The Beast Strange, twisted carvings and hideous gargoyles adorned the palazzo of the great Scarletti family. But a still more fearf...
平均:5 (3 人灑葉)
書封作者: 克莉斯汀‧菲翰
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley: Jove Books (2004-01-27 出版)
系列書: Leopard Series #2.0
文類: 超自然羅曼史
評鑑: 3
**系列說明: Leopard Series, Book # 2 ** Jove, January 27, 2004 What has she done? With a new identity, a staged death, and a chance to flee the treachery that stalks her, Rachael has escaped from a faceless assassin. Now, thousands of miles from home, under the lush canopy of the rain forest, she...
平均:3.5 (2 人灑葉)
書封作者: 凱‧琥珀
譯者: 米奇
出版社: 希代-紫羅蘭浪漫 #1(1994-12-07 出版)
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 2
書封作者: 蕾妮‧班克斯
譯者: 汎寧
出版社: 希代-紫羅蘭浪漫 #2(1994-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
書封作者: 瑪莉‧凱‧麥考梅 (瑪麗凱‧麥克康瑪斯)
譯者: 林淑清
出版社: 希代-紫羅蘭浪漫 #3(1994-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
