
共有 42789 筆資料,目前是 2591 - 2600 筆
作者: 淺草茉莉
出版社: 新月-藍海 #38001(2017-07-19 出版)
文類: 古代言情
評鑑: 0
  為了一道賜婚給墨王的聖旨,她自江南趕回京,   誰知那傢伙居然拒婚,害她被想攀高結貴的祖母罵到臭頭,   不嫁最好啦,那傢伙性情不好難伺候就算了,像他那種美男子最是花心,   替他暖床的女人肯定多如牛毛,她可不想成為其中一根毛。   只是他真的有病!她當眾罵他豬頭,他居然要求再多罵幾遍?!   他在外偷生個私生子被人半路認爹,也要拉她下水,因為孩子說她就是親娘,   冤枉啊,人家她連洞房都沒有過,哪可能肚子蹦出個娃兒來,   可王爺不相信,誰教她同他一樣,都沒有三年前在紫南山時的清楚記憶,   他直說她極有可能就是他尋了幾年的那夢中伊人,   她先說,她...
平均:2 (1 vote)
作者: 寄秋
出版社: 新月-藍海 #37901(2017-07-19 出版)
文類: 穿越時空
評鑑: 1
前世做死做活為家人,一朝工作過勞死,想不到老天爺真夠義氣, 補償她讓她穿越到古代,變成個爹寵娘疼兄弟大姊惜命命的寶貝疙瘩, 唉,其實她也不願這麼嬌生慣養,能坐就不站,穿的要精細、吃的要美味, 無奈原主早產體弱,五歲遭人推落水,天生就是藥罐子黛玉命, 當不了健康寶寶,事事要人服侍,就讓她用金腦袋報答全家人的好! 她家讓貪官伯父牽連,被流放到蜀地,幸好她早有遠見的暗槓銀票, 才有了買屋置田的本錢,種桑養蠶釀酒發大財,成了流放村第一富, 這下姊有錢更是偷懶有理,小日子爽得不要不要的,這種人生誰放棄誰傻瓜, 偏偏她老愛和隔壁那個面癱無藥醫的指揮使大人套交情,說啥遠親不如...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2481(2005-01-01 出版)
系列書: Jet-Set Wives #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Ricardo Salvatore despised greedy women--was Carly just one more? He planned to take over the company that Carly managed. So why not include her in the bargain...? Unloved and unwanted as a child, Carly had never let anyone this close. She and Ricardo were working closely together, and their sizzli...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #1314(1988-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Heather dreaded seeing Kyle Bennett again Six years ago, her stupid, childish jealousy had driven him away from the only home he had ever known. But for her father's sake, now she must ask for his help. "What are you asking me for, Heather?" he demanded. ''You want money from me ... a cash payment...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #868(1985-09-13 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
True love needs no approval Lucas had always urged Lindsay to take charge of her own life, even though it meant defying her father's wishes. All that changed, however, the day Lucas was left in charge of Lindsay's inheritance--and her fate. Quite suddenly Lucas withdrew his support and directed Li...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #1821(1995-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Rosy Wyndham has a choice: find a husband in three months, or watch her family's beloved English estate, Queen's Meadow, fall into the hands of her father's cousin. But as impossible as it seems to find her soul mate in such a short period, Rosy knows that she can't bear losing Queen's Meadow. So no...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2129(2000-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Annie can't believe Dominic Carlyle's claim. How can he be her husband? Why would she have walked out on him and forgotten all about their marriage? To jog Annie's memory, Dominic insists they move in together. Annie is strangely compelled to say yes -- haunted by the memory of a dream in which a...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2260(2002-07-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
The wrong bed! When high-powered businessman Leo Jefferson falls into bed after a string of tedious meetings, he finds a surprise waiting for him. A gorgeous semi-clad siren who seems determined to make him forget all about his stressful day... But the next morning his fantasy woman confesses to...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #1282(1989-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
It was a mistake. It just had to be Surely Howard would come to his senses and realize Holly was the one for him. When he did, she'd be waiting. Meanwhile, though, Holly Witchell was determined to make Howard Neston appreciate what he had lost in jilting her for her glamorous schoolmate, Rosamund....
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #1454(1992-03-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Takeover! Alexandra had heard all the rumors about her new boss, Kyle Maddison. He was supposed to be a shark, a corporate raider. The kind of man who puts profits above his employees. She expected that working for him would be difficult, but thought she could handle any situation. Then she realiz...
