
共有 42786 筆資料,目前是 42711 - 42720 筆
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譯者: 侯靖圓
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #45
系列書: Bannion Family #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Lindsay Dunne had traded one career for another without leaving the dance behind. Then she met architect Seth Bannion, an intensely private man who loved his haven on the Connecticut coast. He loved the private Lindsay but feared that her need to dance would take her away from him. Only after l...
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #44(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
少女情懷總是詩,年輕時莽然犯下的錯誤是否可以原諒呢?凱娣在七年的痛苦折磨後,重新站穩腳跟,雖然傷痕累累,但她終就憑靠自己的毅力,再次攫獲幸福。 ALL's FAIR in love and war. But which was it between automotive engineer Kitty Gordon and race driver Steve Duncan, the man whose car she had designed? At sixteen it had been love----for Kitty, at least. But her love...
譯者: 劉義光
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #43(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
本書男女主角的戀愛如夏日當空,普照大地,可是火速結婚的婚後,卻如炎夏的午後,立刻鳥雲密佈、雷電交加,蓄勢待發的傾盆大雨隨時準備熄滅他倆殘存的愛情火花,然而這對飽經折磨的怨偶在一番掙札歷練後,體會出愛情婚姻的基礎是互敬、互信、互愛、互諒,絕不是孤注一擲的單行道,所以他倆那即灰飛煙滅的愛情又瓶出令人耀眼的絢麗火花。 LOVE'S GENTLE CHAINS bound Lynn and Drew together, even though five years and one deep deception stood between them. Their marriage had nev...
譯者: 侯靖圓
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #42(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
除卻巫山不是雲。 著名的名設計師傑克‧達西身邊不時有女人陪伴在側,上至艷麗的伯爵夫人,下至他琪下的模特兒,風流韻事頻傳,他精采的艷史不時在報章雜誌上出現。而他一眼見到他服飾店裡的小職員媚麗‧安德魯斯絲,一個來自鄉下的小女孩,立即苦心設計,設下一個圈套,誘媚麗嫁給他。 天真的媚麗瘋狂地愛著他,為了接近他,心甘情願地跳入傑克的陷阱中,而他的緋色新聞令她痛不欲生,堅持不肯跟他行夫妻之禮,兩人不斷相互折磨。   Merry had dreamed of a marrage made for love, but it seemed that such was not to be. St...
譯者: 王曼文
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #41(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
一個飽受戰火摧殘、個性剛烈的男子,一個雙眼失明、蕙質蘭心的女子;他一無所有,她擁有一座美麗、富饒的牧場。他們之間發生了前世註的定愛情。但是身分、地位的懸殊阻擾了他們的結合...... Heather Strand, blind since birth, had overcome her handicap to become both a sculptor and a rancher. Reid Hunter, though blessed with sight, saw less clearly than Heather the path they were destined to wa...
譯者: 陳素貞
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #40
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
在楓紅的秋天,姞莉‧沈德沉寂了許久的心終於在秋風吹撫中甦醒了。 姞莉是尤金大學裏的講師,為了父親路瑟的健康,她搬回波特蘭幫他處理業務。路瑟擁有一支足球隊,他滿懷希望地期待它能奪得總統盃冠軍。在慶祝季賽來臨的宴會之中,代表父親出席的姞莉與球隊的後衛林克相遇了。 姞莉的丈夫是位教練,但一次酒醉駕車意外中,她成了寡婦,也喪失了腹中的胎兒。所以,她對於運動有著莫名的恐懼。在追求安穩的生活之下,她和大學教授吉姆訂婚了。但是遇見克林之後,她無法自拔地陷入狂熱的戀情之中。 他們的戀情終於被路瑟知道,使他心臟病再度發作,靠著堅毅的求生慾和茱迪的悉心照料,路瑟的人生展現新的意義。他一改往日的頑固個性...
譯者: 侯靖園
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #39(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
自古以來,愛情總是夾雜著幾分羞怯、含蓄、猜忌和幾許衝動、盲目。    珊曼莎就是以著這種難耐的心情愛著邁克.沙德蘭。只因邁克曾高薪自她的建設公司挖走一些高手,只因他執意要買下她的公司,珊曼莎猜疑邁克是心懷不軌,是欲置她於絕境,而無視於邁克所呈獻的愛,他只是要幫她卸下重擔,讓她正視自己女性的另一面,助她恢復其正的女兒身。 就在珊曼莎的猜疑中,時而起伏的情緒中,再加上種種複雜的前因,諸如邁克為數甚多的女友和珊曼莎現任的男友唐納,兩個極其相愛的人時而歡喜時而爭吵,而險些造成婚姻的悲劇。  
譯者: 田耕
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #38(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Art historian Pia Martell and photographer Jules d'Arcachon seemed made for each. other. They met in Cannes and again in Cambridge, but it seemed that love would not be enough to conquer the jealousy and mistrust that had come between them. Only by listening to their hearts could they know the...
譯者: 凱莎琳
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #37(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
For Dynah Renfro, writing about horse training was no longer enough once she saw Dandy. But Reed Harlan, long her professional nemesis, wanted the beautiful filly, too. Together they struck a bargain, sharing ownership until Dandy could prove herself at the track. But by then it was too late fo...
出版社: 萬盛-芬芳羅曼史 #36(1983-06-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Journalist Nia Phillips' assignment to interview the five most eligible bachelors on the East Coast introduced her to Daniel Strahan, head coach of a top Boston basketball team. Daniel had no desire to be interviewed -- and then no intention of letting Nia go once he met her. This was the most...
