
共有 42818 筆資料,目前是 1761 - 1770 筆
作者: 千尋
出版社: 新月-藍海 #85201(2020-04-15 出版)
文類: 古代言情
評鑑: 0
活了兩輩子,她變了身分、變了容顏,不變的是她旺夫的能力, 上輩子她賺了金山銀山,幫她的夫婿二皇子扶植人脈、養軍隊, 他順利登上大寶,但她的下場卻是鴆酒一杯、閨中密友搶了她相公! 這輩子她不嫁二皇子了,要嫁給她上輩子商場上的死對頭, 但她很歡喜,因為他們是同類人,為了守護所愛,考慮周延且手段犀利, 知道他為朝廷盡忠,她偷偷給他送人才,必要的時候還送錢、送糧、送消息, 因為再兇猛的龍,若沒有一雙堅強羽翼,無法一飛沖天。 她做足準備,堅定地站在他這邊,她要當他的賢內助,再不要當他的對手, 哪知,揭開紅蓋頭的那一刻,她才得知── 他跟皇上求賜婚,求娶的是她的姊姊,而不是她……
作者: 艾佟
出版社: 新月-藍海 #84901(2020-04-08 出版)
文類: 古代言情
評鑑: 0
爹說,最近好像總有野貓三更半夜溜進府裡玩耍, 李安然很心虛,知道衛容淵夜闖她香閨的事被老爹發現了, 話說她也是萬般無奈,人家堂堂「衛門」少當家, 武力值高超,還辦著皇差,自然是想去哪就去哪, 她區區一個小大夫怎麼阻止得了,況且……她也不想阻止! 人家顏值高身材好,又多次救她於危難中, 除了一言不合就撩人之外,用心準備她的及笄禮更是太犯規, 根本就是她的理想情人,讓穿越前後兩輩子都單身的她招架不住, 她幫他醫治重要證人,賣給他麻沸散方子,每次鬥嘴都是又氣又甜蜜, 兩人從陌生到了解,早已認定彼此是對方的唯一, 只是他要查的案子跟她爹隱瞞多年的祕密有關, 她爹看他萬分不順眼,勒...
譯者: 葉妍伶
出版社: 馥林文化 (2018-04-24 出版)
評鑑: 0
凱蒂˙布雷納擁有一個人人稱羨的完美生活:住在倫敦都會區的公寓、一份夢幻頂尖的工作,還經營著一個光鮮亮麗的社群帳號……   好吧,事實是這樣的:   所謂的公寓是她和怪咖室友分租的小到不行的房間;為了省錢,每天通勤的路途也是噩夢一場,在公司更是毫無存在感的菜鳥;雖然她在社群分享的夢幻照片不完全是真的,但總有一天會實現的,對吧?   直到有一天,她邪惡又刻薄的上司無預警將她開除,不得已之下,她只好放棄夢想、離開倫敦,搬回老家經營的農場重新生活……   只是她沒想到,老天竟然送上一個千載難逢的復仇機會,凱蒂該好好報復這個毀了她畢生努力的女魔頭,然後設法奪回她的工作?又或者,事...
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2019-02-26 出版)
系列書: Sins for All Seasons #3.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
The bastard son of a nobleman, Finn Trewlove was a shameful secret raised by a stranger. As Finn came of age he had secrets, too--the clandestine nights spent with an earl’s daughter. But her promise of forever ended in betrayal.  Driven by a past that haunts her, Lady Lavinia Kent seeks red...
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2018-08-21 出版)
系列書: Sins for All Seasons #2.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Gillie Trewlove knows what a stranger’s kindness can mean, having been abandoned on a doorstep as a baby and raised by the woman who found her there. So, when suddenly faced with a soul in need at her door—or the alleyway by her tavern—Gillie doesn’t hesitate. But he’s no infant. He’s a gr...
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2018-01-30 出版)
系列書: Sins for All Seasons #1.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
At birth, Mick Trewlove, the illegitimate son of a duke, was handed over to a commoner. Despite his lowly upbringing, Mick has become a successful businessman, but all his wealth hasn’t satisfied his need for revenge against the man who still won’t acknowledge him. What else can Mick do but destroy...
系列書: Brothers Sinister #3.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Sebastian Malheur is the most dangerous sort of rake: an educated one. When he's not scandalizing ladies in the bedchamber, he's outraging proper society with his scientific theories. He's desired, reviled, acclaimed, and despised--and he laughs through it all. Violet Waterfield, the widowed Coun...
出版社: Others英文書 (2016-08-22 出版)
系列書: Brothers Sinister #2.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Miss Jane Fairfield can't do anything right. When she's in company, she always says the wrong thing--and rather too much of it. No matter how costly they are, her gowns always seem to fall on the unfortunate side of fashion. Even her immense dowry can't save her from being an object of derision....
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2009-08-25 出版)
系列書: Girl-Bachelor #4.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Her proposition . . .  London Society is harsh for a young woman with no family connections who has to work for a living. But when Daisy Merrick is sacked from yet another job, the feisty and outspoken miss comes up with a plan that could give her a future beyond her wildest dreams. There's...
出版社: Others英文書 (2019-06-14 出版)
系列書: Men of Midnight #6.0
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She can’t remember.  Honor Thomas can’t remember what happened. Someone abducted her. Shackled her. And somehow, miraculously, she escaped. She just doesn't remember who, or how, or why. A gorgeous, mysterious man dragged her out of a raging river deep in the Oregon mountains. He looks da...
