
共有 42889 筆資料,目前是 3651 - 3660 筆
作者: 夏衣
出版社: 希代/龍吟-天使魚 #267(2007-05-01 出版)
文類: 古代言情
評鑑: 0
她是當保鑣的,可不是他的保母耶! 憑什麼他希望她能陪伴他,她就得乖乖聽命,真的隨侍在側呢? 可面對這麼愛耍賴的他,她卻是完全拿他沒轍, 只能對他言聽計從……不不不!說錯了,她從來沒想聽過他的話, 卻總是被他騙得團團轉,傻傻分不清楚事實的全面依照他的指令行事! 唉??連她自己也搞不清楚,她究竟是討厭他,還是不討厭他, 但沒時間想這麼多,眼見眼前有難,她還是得救他, 誰教她已接下保護他的重責大任,就算想反悔,她也只能等危機消除後再說。 可這個男人是不是真的很煩人啊? 明明有人要取他的性命,他卻淨跟她說些有的沒的,氣得她七竅生煙, 好吧!既然這是他自找的── 「妳可以叫我弄影,花花,小弄,影兒……」...
作者: 喬軒
出版社: 希代/龍吟-玫瑰吻 #299(2007-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代言情
評鑑: 0
奶奶幹嘛硬要將那個姓韓的女人嫁給他啊?他今年才二十幾,正是有體力、有能力、更有活力玩樂的黃金時期,他一點都不想娶老婆,更不想當人家的老公,這樣他的行情會大跌,那些漂亮美眉會統統離他遠去……嗚~~這樣的人生好灰暗啊!只是,奶命難違,他家奶奶的命令就像皇太后的懿旨,違者可是會砍頭的,所以就算看那個姓韓的女人再不順眼,他也只能咬牙和她步入禮堂,含著淚說:「yes,I do」!真是不甘願啊!他一定要將這女人冷凍起來,然後繼續玩他的,讓她自動求去!他故意偷吃野花──她一點都不生氣,還要他慢慢享用;他左擁右抱樂開懷──她一點也不吃醋,還要他再接再厲……她不但沒有哭著控訴他的惡行,還隨便他去花!哦~~真是...
平均:4.1 (14 人灑葉)
書封作者: 莉莎・克萊佩
譯者: 康學慧
出版社: 春光 暢銷小說 #26(2017-06-03 出版)
系列書: The Ravenels #2.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 14
他是善於抓住機會的商業新貴,她是嬌怯的貴族千金, 他霸道、他主導一切,不料,她的溫柔卻讓他的心全面失守…… 瑞斯‧溫特朋,陽剛俊美,成熟世故, 看似文明的紳士外表下,隱隱有種危險的氣質。 天生對商機的敏銳與擅於抓住機會,讓他成為商業鉅子,富可敵國, 但當賺取財富跟呼吸一樣簡單,他需要新的刺激,比如── 甜美羞怯的貴族千金海倫‧雷凡諾。 海倫‧雷凡諾,美麗細緻,溫柔甜美, 在嬌弱的外表下,其實有著令人難以察覺的頑固。 她長期隱居鄉間,不曾接觸紙醉金迷的倫敦社交圈,唯一的娛樂是書和種花, 而全身上下沒有一根馴服骨頭的溫特朋的到來,讓她的心隱隱泛起漣漪, 他奪...
平均:3 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1983-01-01 出版)
系列書: Mills & Boon 100th Birthday Collection
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 2
The Boss's Marriage Arrangement by Penny Jordan Everyone in her office thinks Harriet is boss Matthew Cole's fiancée! Harriet has to keep reminding herself it's all just for convenience--but how far is Matthew prepared to go with their arrangement...marriage?   Paperback, 112 pages Publishe...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2325(2003-01-01 出版)
系列書: Sheikh's Arabian Night #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Petra is betrothed--to rich, eligible Sheikh Rashid. But she plans to ruin her reputation so Rashid won't want her. Blaize, a fellow guest at her hotel, agrees to be Petra's pretend lover--though soon he's taken her virginity! Then Petra makes a shocking discovery. Blaize is actually none other tha...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (1995-10-30 出版)
文類: 懸疑羅曼史, 美國歷史
評鑑: 1
Bestselling author Jennifer Blake is at her sensual best in this sultry tale of love and hate, revenge and redemption that moves from the spicy heat of New Orleans to a lush sugar plantation on the Mississippi...   The Angel -- He saved her life, then made her his prisoner. Now Renold Harden...
平均:4.5 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Penguin Random- Ivy Books (1979-04-19 出版)
系列書: Louisiana Plantation Collection
文類: 美國歷史
評鑑: 2
Beautiful young Melanie Johnston had every reason to hate Roland Donovan. It was this man who caused the death of her beloved grandfather. It was he who possessed her in a night of mischief and madness, forever staining her honor. It was he who drove away the well-born suitor she was to have wed. T...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (1977-01-01 出版)
系列書: Love and Adventure Collection #4.0
文類: 美國歷史
評鑑: 1
All is fair in love... Eleanora returns home to New Orleans as heroine of an ill-fated military invasion of Central America, angel of mercy to the wounded Americans in Nicaragua, and widow of a Spanish grandee. She is wealthy, a privileged condesa. But in the war-torn land she left behind, she was...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Penguin Random- Ivy Books (1996-09-30 出版)
文類: 美國歷史
評鑑: 1
HOW LONG COULD SHE HATE THIS MAN WHO AWOKE SUCH UNBIDDEN ECSTASY? Aristocratic Rafael Navarro spies the beautiful Catherine Mayfield at one of New Orleans' most exotic quadroon balls and mistakes her for a woman who generously dispenses her favors. He realizes too late that he has hopelessly compro...
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin: Mira Books (2011-09-27 出版)
系列書: The Three Graces #3.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
The youngest of the fabled Three Graces of Graydon is waylaid from her bridal cortege, preserving one man from the notorious curse. But another may yet fall.… When Lady Marguerite Milton is abducted by the enigmatic—and famously insatiable—Golden Knight, it is the stuff of fantasy. Or would be, if...
