共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 641 - 650 筆
譯者: 李微
出版社: 牧童-世紀浪漫小說 #10
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
她從來沒有碰見如此高挺的男人。 她抬起手,抓住這男子粗壯有力的臂膀。 他強壯的肌肉使愛麗蓀覺得十分安全。
抱住她的這個男人又輕輕呼喚她的名字。 他的呼喚,他眼中晶瑩的光芒,宛如磁石黏住她的心神。 愛麗蓀忍不住把臉龐迎上去,兩片的唇,覆蓋了另外的兩片唇......
「妳好一點了嗎? 頭還暈嗎?」良久,他熱切地問道。
愛麗蓀心想,現在唯一暈眩的感覺還是這人的擁抱所引起的呢! 一旦脫離他的懷抱,這種暈陶陶的感覺也就迅速地消褪下去......
譯者: 陳明德
出版社: 牧童-世紀浪漫小說 #9(1982-04-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
譯者: 鄺淑芬
出版社: 牧童-世紀浪漫小說 #8(1982-03-25 出版)
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 0
On they come and they go -- Velda Johnston's heroines always cool in their sleeveless green linen dresses and over their pretty heads in just what, particularly if it's white? Anyway Jennifer goes south to her aunt's home on Dolor Island -- her aunt who has a very young man as husband and then there...
出版社: 牧童-世紀浪漫小說 #7(1982-03-25 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Never again would she dance on stage
Birdie's career as a ballerina was over, ruined by a fluke accident. Reeling from the shock, she let sympathetic friends lure her to the island of Menorca for a rest.
It was there that Birdie met the Conde, a man who was the antithesis of all she knew--and who...
譯者: 林玉佩
出版社: 牧童-世紀浪漫小說 #6(1982-02-25 出版)
評鑑: 0
譯者: 王其
出版社: 旭旦-金色羅曼史 #47(1983-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Tall, lean, and powerful, he towered over her--Ross Leyton, the man who had put an end to all her childish, innocent dreams....
The Thousand islands--was it a thousand years ago, or only ten? She had been seventeen that summer, a girl who believed she couldn't live without his love. And yet she had...
作者: Rita Clay 莉泰‧克雷伊
譯者: 柳卿
出版社: 旭旦-金色羅曼史 #46(1983-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
He said his name was "Mr. Lawrence," but Candra Bishop soon discovered the truth. The mystery man who had saved her from bankruptcy was the childhood idol she'd driven away. Josh was rich now. The tables had turned. But the years apart only sparked their desire anew. She'd done him wr...