
共有 10291 筆資料,目前是 431 - 440 筆
譯者: 水一方
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #218
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
To professor Viola Bennett, Stephen Silk-wood presents more of a riddle than the detective stories he pens. Years ago, as a sensitive, eager new author, he stole her innocent heart-and broke it. Later he began writing mysteries featuring a callous, cynical, womanizing protagonist named Max-and becam...
譯者: 丘文隆
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #215(1984-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Loren Shephard doesn't want his help, but the brawny stranger won't take no for an answer. Masterful Buck Leeds wins over Loren's tippling grandfather and flighty sister, bringing order to the chaos of her madcap household. He even becomes Mr. Fix-it in her work place. Then, having magically simplif...
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #214(1984-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Their love was like no other-tempestuous, impassioned, unrestrained. Then they threw it all away, thoughtlessly betraying their God-given gift. Heaven itself seemed to frown in disapproval... When Zen Driscoll and Damon Aristides meet again years later, drawn together by family loyalties and the em...
譯者: 陳素貞
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #211(1984-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Attorney Sarah Harbison must be objective and pragmatic in the courtroom, but Jim Laney's broad shoulders and warm brown eyes set her sights on the bedroom instead. Soon his burning kisses fan her steamy fantasies into a torrid reality... But the child custody case Jim is fighting looms ahead. His...
譯者: 邱素琴
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #210(1984-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
瑞雪‧達夫林一心一意要為心愛的妹妹向克里‧尼特尋求報復,因為這位奧林匹克花式溜冰金牌獎得主,利用機會引誘瑞雪的妹妹,而毀了她的一生。 瑞雪在克里所辦的溜冰專校謀得一教席,準備蒐集證據,揭穿他誘惑未成年少女的勾當。 然而,瑞雪萬萬沒下去想到連她自己都無法抗拒克里的魅力。 當慾念蓋過憤恨時,瑞雪發現自己在克里的懷抱中,愛與恨交加令她矛盾不已...。 一個男人長得英俊瀟灑,令所有女人為之傾倒,他錯了嗎? 誰是誰非,瑞雪該相信誰? 本書高潮迭起,請看女主角如何抽絲剝繭,撥開心中疑雲,重見天日。
譯者: 湯秋華
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #209(1984-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
All a new life offered was old heartache Hugh Grey had seduced Annabel with consummate skill in London. She had fled, humiliated, when she discovered he was married. In Barbados two years later she hoped to escape the past. The last man she expected or wanted to find herself working for was Hugh h...
譯者: 江春華
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #208(1984-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She wished her memory had never returned Brendan Kavanagh had saved the life of a shipwrecked woman whose ordeal had left her with amnesia. The ruggedly handsome marine designer wanted no further involvement, but he couldn't leave the woman he called "Thursday Hunter" stranded in Fiji without an i...
譯者: 陳學芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #207(1984-01-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (2014-03-18 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
From number-one New York Times best-selling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance. At 22 years old, Sydney has a great life: She’s in college; working a steady job; in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter; and rooming with her best friend, Tori. B...
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #206(1983-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
為了暫時卸下肩上的重擔, 及避開城市的煩囂, 瑪格.聖德斯離開了明尼蘇達州寒冷的冬天, 獨自前往頗富羅曼蒂克的馬丁尼克島渡假。在飛機上她與傑森.法哥邂逅, 基於某種直覺, 她確定自己愛上了他。而且在馬丁尼島上, 他們共渡了一段有如神仙般的假期。 然而當這段甜蜜生活結束之後, 他們又回到原本生活的地方, 彼此的感情卻有了轉變。 由於誤會, 傑森悲痛地想離她遠去。而瑪格知道自己必須想盡方法讓傑森回到她身旁, 因為她實在無法割捨這份愛。 甜蜜的回憶, 炙熱的戀情, 是使瑪格下定決心想得到傑森的理由。瑪格用了許多方法想使傑森回心轉意, 她究竟用了哪些方法, 而傑森是否真的會被她感動呢?
