
共有 10274 筆資料,目前是 291 - 300 筆
平均:3 (1 vote)
系列書: the Unfinished Hero series #1.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Anya Gage has learned that to get anything good in life, you have to work for it. She has no expectations, no dreams. Then she finds herself at a party where she doesn't want to be, and she meets Knight. Knight Sebring knows who he is, what he wants, and what he likes. And he gets it. But he never e...
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin: Silhouette (1989-04-01 出版)
系列書: The Mackenzie Family #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Mary Elizabeth Potter is a spinster with no illusions about love. But she is a good teacher and wants Wolf Mackenzie's son back in school. And after one heated confrontation, she knows father and son have changed her life forever. Still paying for a crime he didn't commit, Wolf Mackenzie has a chip...
平均:4.4 (5 人灑葉)
譯者: 楊孟華
出版社: 蓋亞文化 (2016-12-28 出版)
系列書: 元素三部曲 #3.0
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 5
      「為了我,活到永遠⋯⋯」        過去,他為實現預言,不顧一切;        現在,他願拿自己的性命交換,只求預言永不成真。   戴德斯此生終點早已寫下,   他時刻警惕自己,做好準備,只為完成唯一目標——   直搗亞特蘭提斯,擊敗禍主,並且壯烈犧牲。   現在,戰火終於燃起。   反抗軍冒險前進重重山巔中的禍主宮殿,   旅途即將來到終點,神祕盟友的真實身分就要揭曉。   然而,陡然降臨的全新預言,卻讓兩人命運平添變數——...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Amazon Digital Services (2016-09-26 出版)
系列書: Colorado High Country #2.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Victoria Woodley is done with men. Fresh off a dating nightmare, she flies from her home in Chicago to Scarlet Springs to take part in her best friend's wedding. Who picks her up at the airport? Eric Hawke. Of course. She made a fool of herself over him last time she was here. He's cocky, charming,...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2010-10-26 出版)
系列書: London's Greatest Lovers #1.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Known throughout for his prowess in the bedroom, Morgan Lyons, the eighth Earl of Westcliffe, cannot forgive an unpardonable affront to his honor. Discovering his young bride in the arms of his brother was a staggering blow—so he banished the beautiful deceiver to the country and devoted himself to...
平均:5 (7 人灑葉)
譯者: 康學慧
出版社: 悅知文化 (2016-10-10 出版)
文類: 女性小說
評鑑: 7
      你我都是一本書,等著被翻閱、期待被了解。   饒富人情的可愛小鎮裡,一間令人著迷的小書店,一旦讓書本進入人生,沒有什麼不可能……   二十八歲的瑞典女子莎拉,常年在書店工作的她愛書成癡,與六十五歲的美國老太太艾美,透過信件往返,談文學也談人生。兩個素昧平生的女子,因為對書的共同愛好,跨海展開了一段忘年友誼。某天,艾美邀請莎拉造訪她所居住的愛荷華州破輪鎮,從未離開家鄉的莎拉決定勇敢跨出第一步,帶著一卡皮箱的書、預訂了兩個月後返國的機票,計劃展開她的「美好假期」。   然而,當莎拉抵達時,迎接她的,竟是艾美的死訊。   這下可好,千里迢迢跑來異鄉,...
作者: Jaime Rush -
出版社: Amazon Digital Services (2011-11-06 出版)
系列書: Soul Change #3.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"I never got a chance to tell Sam I love him!" These are young Jennie Carmichael's dying thoughts. A tragic accident is ending her life--and she's never told her boss, private eye Sam Magee, how much she loves him. She was too timied--why would attractive Sam care for his shy, wheelchair-boun...
平均:4 (1 vote)
作者: Jaime Rush -
出版社: Amazon Digital Services (2012-01-10 出版)
系列書: Soul Change #2.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
SHE AWOKE IN THE WRONG BODY, BUT IN THE ARMS OF THE RIGHT MAN … In Until I Die Again, Chris Copestakes died in a terrible car wreck and woke up in the body of beautiful, selfish Hallie DiBarto, the wife of a wealthy California resort owner. But what happened to Hallie’s soul? SURE, SHE’D MADE MIST...
譯者: 游卉庭,洪毓徽
出版社: 大家出版社 (2016-12-07 出版)
系列書: Outlander #3.0
文類: 時空旅行
評鑑: 0
我將自己毫無保留交付予他,和他在一起從不需要遮掩, 我的靈魂和軀體全都給了他,讓他看見赤裸裸的我, 信任他在看到全部的我之後,會珍惜我的脆弱…… 與傑米相偕重回拉利堡的克萊兒,發現傑米的親人並不如表面上那樣熱烈歡迎。克萊兒固然打從一開始就不認為一切人事依舊,得知傑米以印刷事業作為掩護,檯面下卻是黑白通吃的不法之徒,也絲毫動搖不了她相伴一世的決定,除非傑米別有二心。曾經設計誘殺克萊兒的情敵珞海兒帶著兩個女兒火速趕來,以儼然正宮之姿大鬧拉利堡,而暗中掀起這滔天巨浪、企圖逼走克萊兒的幕後黑手,竟是……傑米隱瞞不住的謊言如今擺在眼前,除了一逃了之,克萊兒還有沒有別的選擇? 是夜路走多難免...
平均:4.3 (4 人灑葉)
譯者: 唐亞東
出版社: 蓋亞文化 #57(2016-11-30 出版)
系列書: 魔法傭兵系列 #7.0
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 5
獸王出城狩獵,準新娘工作爆量! 挑禮服、選蛋糕、解決棘手謀殺案、阻止種族大戰開打⋯⋯ 盛大婚禮再等等—— 無論亞特蘭大的魔法浪潮如何更迭,有件事不會改變—— 只要麻煩出現,凱特.丹尼爾斯絕對深陷其中。 亞特蘭大超自然勢力每月舉行的祕密會議前夕,獸王可倫受邀出城狩獵, 凱特必須代表部族出席此次會議, 不料,一名頂尖的死亡大師竟陳屍現場,殘破身軀上滿是變形者留下的痕跡⋯⋯ 陰謀的序幕就此揭開, 這是變形者對死亡大師的復仇,還是有人惡意設局? 凱特得在不到二十四小時內揪出凶手,安撫怒不可遏的死靈法師, 否則不僅死人眾將藉機掀戰,整座城市更會群起攻擊部族。 吸血...
