
共有 10274 筆資料,目前是 181 - 190 筆
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2961(2010-10-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Jake Radley-Smith is pleasantly surprised to find a strange female in his company apartment--wearing a bath towel! He isn't interested in Marin's sob story. He's late for a house party and she'll be perfect as his ready-made date!Marin's completely bewildered.... She thought pretending to be a lovin...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2192(2000-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 2
A motive for marriage? Cressy was astonished when Draco Viannis proposed. From the moment she'd met the gorgeous Greek, Cressy couldn't get him out of her mind. The passion between them was mind-blowing -- but had it just been a holiday affair? Draco had other ideas. He knew Cressy's family was in...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #1786(1994-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Seduced! Nic Xandreou thought Katie was a gold digger out to trap his brother into marriage. Camilla knew her sister better and was determined to champion her cause even if it meant a visit to Xandreou's stronghold on the island of Karthos. Camilla Dryden had always been the sensible one in her fa...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2338(2000-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
The blackmail affair As a teenager, Adrien was infatuated with Chay Haddon, and she was devastated when her family banished him, claiming he'd betrayed their trust. Chay disappeared vowing revenge . . . Adrien is shocked when years later, the tables are turned and she finds herself at Chay's mercy....
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2369(2004-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Alex Fabian is a successful city banker who lives life on his own terms.But when his family gives him an ultimatum to marry within three months or lose his inheritance,he's forced to find a bride.... Louise Trentham is instantly wary when Alex Fabian proposes:he's formidably dynamic, gorgeous -- an...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 #2670(2007-07-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Laine waited for her handsome new husband, Daniel Flynn, to come to her on their wedding night...knowing that their marriage was a sham. Daniel didn't love her--he was just fulfilling a promise he'd made to take care of her... So Laine fled--a married woman, but still an innocent! Two years lat...
平均:4.5 (2 人灑葉)
譯者: 秋水
出版社: -四季出版 (2017-05-25 出版)
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 2
傳聞亞馬遜流域綠海下有座古老的女戰士石頭城,女皇的心在死後化為紅色鑽石,被放在她至愛的戰士墳上,這顆心永世屬於他,就如同她的誓言。吉莉安從小聽著父親述說的神話,著迷於「女皇之心」傳奇。 但這一切卻在她追隨父親成為考古學博士之後變了調,父親「痴人薛伍德」因探尋石頭城遺跡而喪生,現在這又成為考古圈質疑她能力的藉口。當吉莉安破譯了父親留下的文稿密碼,她決心完成父親遺願,並為自己在考古圈立威。但是,橫亙在吉莉安和「女皇之心」之間的,除了心思詭譎的異母哥哥、危險廣袤的亞馬遜綠海之外,還有一個黝黑冷酷的嚮導班‧路易斯。 叢林充滿失落的寶藏故事和荒誕神話,就路易斯所知,沒有一個是真的。直到「女皇之心」令...
平均:4.2 (5 人灑葉)
譯者: 葑菲
出版社: -四季出版 (2017-04-27 出版)
系列書: I-Team #2.0
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 5
所有畫面似乎一瞬間結束!急駛轎車的刺耳聲響、子彈呼嘯擊碎玻璃,以及女孩的淒厲尖叫。調查記者泰莎擅長嗅聞陰謀,這回卻直接面對躺在血泊裡女孩的空洞雙眼。十幾歲的女孩為何遭遇追殺?事後站在封鎖線外,黑影中的皮衣男子又為何盯著她不放?驚惶顫抖的泰莎,決心重回街頭找出槍殺案的真相,並在報端揭發這一切。 潛伏在街頭闇影中追襲獵物、幻化成截然不同人物出沒,這是朱利安所熟悉的臥底工作,沒人能知曉他的真面目。但朱利安萬萬沒預料到會有記者揭露兇案細節,破壞他多年的臥底佈線,還引動最危險的對手回頭了斷所有目擊者。火大的朱利安決定跟這個蠢記者泰莎好好講點道理。 當泰莎赫然發現自己被鋼鐵般的手掌緊緊箝住時,只能在朱...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books (2017-04-18 出版)
系列書: FBI / US Attorney series #7.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
FBI agents Jessica Harlow and John Shepherd have a past. The former lawyer and cocky Army Ranger clashed during their training at Quantico and gladly went their separate ways after graduating from the Academy. Six years later, the last thing either of them expects is to be assigned to work as partne...
平均:5 (3 人灑葉)
譯者: 唐亞東
出版社: -四季出版 (2017-04-27 出版)
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 3
週五夜晚,當梅琳正享受著看完電影後的好心情,突然間——刀刃劃落,刺入了掙扎的人體……黑暗、得意、輕蔑的情緒溢滿——梅琳抽搐著想抗拒閃過腦海的恐怖真實畫面,但沉寂六年的感應能力還是強悍地吞沒她…… 隔天一早,警探丹恩踏進了到處是血的殘暴兇殺現場,狡猾的兇手卻沒留下任何可供追蹤的線索。直到局長要他見見自稱「靈媒」的梅琳,她竟詭異地說出兇手犯案的過程,讓丹恩嚴重懷疑:梅琳不是魔法師而是最大的嫌疑犯。 儘管丹恩對梅琳的感應透視能力頗有疑問,卻很明白自己有多想要她。梅琳溫柔甜蜜的香味令他血液沸騰,而他更想要抹去她眼底的悲傷。當隔周五的深夜,梅琳再次感應到兇手,並畫出兇手的鏡中反影,也讓自己成了媒體的...
