共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 1471 - 1480 筆
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #52
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
娜蒂‧馬德爾佇立在紐約世界貿易中心大樓門前, 仰望著樓高一百一十七層的高聳建築物, 心情矛盾、 複雜衝擊著, 為了擠入商業界名人的行列, 她拋開了男朋友; 遠離家鄉, 來到這個寸土寸金的大都會。
然而, 她卻在這裡碰上了最難纏的人------ 漢克‧丹尼爾, 一位商業界的佼佼者,有著英俊迷人的外貌和數不盡的財富。 在一個很偶然的機會裡, 她被安排和他一起從事一項開發研究的工作, 因而也展開了他們之間的一段纏綿動人的羅曼史......
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #49
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #48
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
He was just another handsome pilot stealing her hard-earned job. Not even her journalism and public relations degrees from the Air Force Academy could secure Captain Ronda Voss's position as Chief Information Officer for the SAC base at Playa Lake, Nevada. She was being squeezed o...
作者: Erin Ross 愛琳‧羅絲
譯者: 虛鳳
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #47
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
After three years she'd finally come face-to-face with the unknown brother-in-law she held responsible for her sister's death. Karen Prescott hated Jean-Paul Picard. Yet she had come to France as a hotel management professional, and she had to prove to Jean-Paul that his hotel coul...
譯者: 曉鏡
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #46
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Fresh from her first success in Nashville, Gem Reasoner-- heiress to an oilman's fortune--looked like a waif singing for her supper in a small-town club miles from nowhere.
When the going got rough, it was Roan Christiansen who came to her rescue. But before the night was over, there was no help fo...
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #44
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Cathy Phillips never takes chances -- and she's not about to start now. When she returns to close up the New England lake house where tragedy shattered her golden existence, she intends to leave her memories ... and way of life... intact.
The vital, vibrant stranger who arrives to help... and stays...
譯者: 方瑞瑜
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #41
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
艾蕾絲‧珊姆斯是個暢銷小說作家, 當她在找尋一個安靜的地方專心寫作時, 她想到了祖父的農場。 就在這兒, 她遇到了年輕、英俊的喬爾丹‧瑞特。
雖然他們相遇、相愛, 但是在兩人的心中卻有著不同的感受與想法。 艾蕾絲一直不能釋懷於父親的慘死, 她不停地與自己掙扎。另外在愛情的領域裡, 也曾受過無情的打擊, 所以她不敢也不願很快的接受喬爾丹。 而喬爾丹之所以很快地就愛上艾蕾絲, 是因為艾蕾絲的長相酷似與他佖離的前任妻子, 在前妻所帶給他的傷痕尚未愈合之前, 他害怕會再度遭受到同樣的傷害。 然而, 愛情的力量是偉大的, 他們終於衝破層層障礙, 得到愛情的芳香碩果。
譯者: 侯秀梅
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #40
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
卡勒‧馬西外似堅強, 宛如一潭沉靜的湖水, 專心一意忙著他的拍影工作。 那是他的生活全部, 也是藉以掩飾過去的工具。他在逃避過去, 也在逃避未來。 他只能躲在攝影機後觀察人生, 不敢走出來。
慘痛的童年生活是人間最殘酷的痛楚, 他和母親多年來一直生活在自己親生父親的毆打、虐待下, 使得他對自己發誓終身不娶妻、不生子, 因為他怕自己也會以同樣的方式去對待他的妻、子。 所以, 他不敢愛, 而將全部的生活投入攝影工作裡。
遇到黛娜, 一個助產士, 一個蕙質蘭心的好女孩, 他仍害怕去愛, 過去的惡夢依然糾纏著他。 她忍耐、等待、包容, 仍不能啟開他的心扉, 仍不能觸著真正的他。
譯者: 丘文隆
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #38
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Maris's body betrayed her, and she found her righteous anger transformed into passionate longing...
With her husband's sudden death, Maris Verney was left to carry on their latest scientific project alone. Turning to marine biologist Owen Wyatt for help, she couldn't understand his stubborn opposit...
作者: Tira Lacy 泰瑞‧雷絲
譯者: 王菊珍
出版社: 欣光-綺麗戀史 #36
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She didn't want to see him again -- not ever. But evading him required an explanation, and Kathleen Bolton didn't want to reveal that part of her past -- not to anyone.
Stephen West -- once heir apparent, now owner of the fabulous West Hotel chain -- what wicked fate had flung her into his arms? Wh...