由 阿官 在 發表

Mass Market Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Avon (December 27, 2005)
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: William Morrow (January 18, 2005)
Taylor Halstead, psychologist and successful radio personality, is terrified that she'll never be safe again. Coming on the heels of a series of tragic and terrible events, the e-mail sends chills racing up her spine. Her safe, secure world has already been violated by her cousin Stephanie's boyfriend, Gordon Mallory, in her own apartment. Only the door buzzer and Stephanie's intervening voice rescue her, but not before Gordon promises to return. Soon after, he is killed along with Stephanie in an inexplicable explosion aboard his yacht. Or is he?
The e-mail is just the beginning. The terror campaign escalates when an electronically disguised voice on Taylor's telephone threatens to kill her, and her life becomes a nightmare. It seems the only one she can turn to is attorney Reed Weston, her confidant, protector, and, ultimately, lover. But is Reed's determination to protect her enough to avert disaster? And can Taylor trust Gordon's identical twin, Jonathan, who always seems to show up when she least expects him?
Grief and dread unravel Taylor's sanity, playing tricks with her mind and heart. Someone out there wants her dead -- a crazed fan or the troubled teenage boy she's been counseling or, impossibly, Gordon himself. His vow to return and those final menacing words -- "I'll be watching you" -- haunt her day and night. Whoever is out there is coming closer, and Taylor Halstead has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: I'LL BE WATCHING YOU by Andrea Kane
本書的文案,個人認為已經抓住了故事的重點。在翻書之前,我還納悶文案何必寫得那麼清楚,把女主角 Taylor 的堂妹 Stephanie 的男友 Gordon 對她強暴“未遂”透露出來了,賣個關子不是更好?
翻讀了之後,才明白那段情節是整個故事最關鍵的一部分。Gordon 霸王上弓未能得逞,離開前對 Taylor 撂下的那句威脅:「I’ll be watching you」,就像有棘的藤蔓般纏繞著 Taylor,即使在那場被警方認定無任何生還者的遊艇爆炸事件之後,Taylor 的惡夢並未隨著 Gordon 的死亡消息而結束,反而透過沒有署名的 e-mail 的來到而開始……
雖然對 I’ll Be Watching You 的感覺略遜於她的前三本現代懸疑,但仍然是一本能讓我毫無間斷讀完的書。前半段稍顯緩慢的步調,讓我的澎湃熱情降了溫;一開始就猜出寄電子卡片的人是誰,對懸疑佈局的期待感減弱。

但儘管已經知道寄卡片與打變音電話威脅女主角 Taylor 的人的身分,最後那人的真實身分.....或者該說是假身分揭曉的時候,仍然讓我吃了一驚。這部分完全沒料想到。算是相當出人意表的大轉折。
Taylor 表現最令人喝采的地方,當然是從威脅者/殺人兇手/綁架者手中解救自己的過程了!

除了她臨機應變的智慧外,傳授她「唱歌」技巧──喔,不是啦.....此 S.I.N.G 非彼 Sing 哦──的男主角 Reed 絕對是她能在驚險危機中制服綁架者的大功臣。
想知道 SING 是什麼嗎?呵呵,這我得賣關子了。這麼厲害的招數,要自己探索才有樂趣。
男主角 Reed 的世故、剛正形象和處事態度都都很討喜,身為律師的職業道德和利益衝突等等也描述滿不錯的,至少我覺得不卑不亢,觀點務實又不致太現實。AK 筆下男主角的典型特質(一見鍾情,溫柔體貼、關懷付出等等)是有的,但是又無法說很典型,因為總覺得不夠銳利鮮明。
我不免納悶.....這是否和 AK 沒有給他在床上多表現的機會有關。
本書的羅曼史成分不及 Run for Your Life 和 No Way Out 多,但是我認為故事本身還不錯,加上是 AK 忠貞不二的粉絲,所以還是很爽快地地給四片葉子囉!