由 鈕釦 在 發表

「你作弊! 沒有人能連贏三十回。」同時也贏走她的心和她未來的三十天。
面對安雅的指控, 莫肯絲毫不以為意。
只要莫肯娶了他舅舅的小姨子, 他就可以得到一大筆豐厚的遺產, 解決自己面臨的經濟窘況。
桀驁不馴的狄安雅, 和莫肯想像中溫馴可愛的英國女郎完全不一樣, 但她有把握, 這朵多刺的英國玫瑰很快就會著火, 因為「幸運之牌」從來都在他的掌握之中......
莫肯來自新大陸一個叫德州的蠻荒之地, 他的粗魯無禮與一般的紳士相差得太遠了; 她求愛的方式更是教安雅驚訝不已。
哦, 這個粗獷美國人的激情, 能綿延成為她一直夢寐以求的長遠之愛嗎?
Gambling For LoveRancher Morgan Grayson stood to inherit a bundle-if he married his uncle's spinster sister-in-law. And spirited Anya Delangue was hardly the frumpy Englishwoman Morgan had expected. In fact, he was willing to bet that this businesslike alliance would heat up in no time. And he was lucky at cards .. . .Anya was appalled by her brother-in-law's plan . . . and intrigued. Though Morgan was a bullying ruffian from a savage place called Texas, his wooing was a heady experience. But could she chance that the untamed American's desire would deepen into the lasting love she had always longed for?
希代-精美名著 1992-03-01 |