由 鈕釦 在 發表

Alluring and headstrong, Dara Brandon left her family home to search for her missing brother, but discovered instead the secrets of love in the arms of a mysterious stranger. His cold piercing eyes turned her blood to liquid fire. His tender caress aroused her raw naked desire. And though she knew she should run from his ardent embrace - she became a willing captive of her newly awakened passion. Pirate, traitor, rogue...Justin Whitelaw always took what he wanted no matter what the cost. And once he found Dara on the dark deserted pier, he knew he had to have her, had to make her his own. Never had he seen such fragile beauty. Never had he tasted lips so sensuous or sweet. She was a treasure, a temptress, a luscious dream come true - and he vowed that he'd be the only man to ever fulfill...Dara's Desire.
希代-精美名著 1988-07-22 |