Steel Sells Film Rights to 30 Books

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已加入: 2005-01-28 18:42
Steel Sells Film Rights to 30 Books

Brand name novelist Danielle Steel has reached agreement with New Line Home Entertainment for film rights to at least 30 of her books, including such best sellers as "Safe Harbour," "Ransom" and "Second Chance."

The films are expected to be exclusively for television and home video.

"People do like the film versions of things," Steel told The Associated Press on Thursday. "I thought this was a nice way to get my books back into the marketplace."

"Danielle Steel is one of the world's great literary brands, and New Line Home Entertainment is proud to be in business with such a cultural icon," Kevin Kasha, New Line Home Entertainment's senior vice president of acquisitions and programming, said in a statement.

Steel, 58, has published more than 60 books and her latest, "Toxic Bachelors," just came out. She has another book due in February and has a line of perfume coming out next fall.

"And I'm starting a new book today," she said.


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